Television Can Change Lives | Teen Ink

Television Can Change Lives

January 8, 2016
By Chabelliec BRONZE, Roxbury, Massachusetts
Chabelliec BRONZE, Roxbury, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Several people argue T.V. can actually put some knowledge in people. Many agree that all the different shows could either offer a life lesson or a characteris  mistake from which you can learn from. In reality, T.V. can make you ignorant and unhealthy because there is very little real material being taught, and all the shows on T.V. are just for entertainment, not to mention commercials are just persuading people into buying or eating brand’s products.

T.V. can affect people’s brains, and I believe all of these T.V. shows can actually brainwash kids, adults, and students. Have you ever noticed? if you give a student an option of having their time catching up on work or watching a movie; the students will almost always  pick the movie. In my experience many students will go for the movie just to avoid the workload, and now many  students are on the line of  not getting credit or may not ever do their work. The temptation to watch T.V. is especially unhealthy for young kids, because they are not strengthening their mindset, and soon when the learning material gets difficult - the kids will be quick to give up. This is going to lead the kids to have a fixed mindset, which means they will only do the work they know how to do and avoid what they struggle with, because in their mind they are never going to understand the material.

According to my opponents, T.V. can benefit many people mentally and physically. They will argue that some shows like Elmo or Super Why introduce them to reading - as in teaching them sounds of a letter and even how to spell out a word. What these critics think is that  just by one episode of Elmo or Super Why their child will increase their knowledge, but in reality kids are not going to get the proper learning material. It's all about time and practice, which TV can't give you. Critics also may argue that there are shows that guide people to exercise so they won't be lazy, but in many of those cases you have to buy the material the workout video is presenting in order to do the workout the correct way, which is just entertainment; in reality the gym is the best place to workout.
To make things worse, from my experience I've seen many people eat a lot of junk while sitting in front of a T.V. several of my family members cannot sit down and watch TV quietly- if they don't have a bag of chips next to them, they will not enjoy the show. This habit my family members have is not a good one; once they sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. they're not going to workout,  just eat junk food, but also take a nap which can affect your body even more. Eating then going to sleep can cause body fat and weight gain. Now two of my aunts struggle with being overweight and wish they could go back in time.

TV can harm many people mentally to physically which is why people should limit their TV time and try going out doors. It's better for their futures. I suggest adults with with children- either babysitting or everyday life caretaking should limit their childs T.V. time and let them spend their time outdoors being active or encourage them to pick up a book and help their mind grow, which can lead to a successful adult in the future.

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