Smart Phones Useful or Useless? | Teen Ink

Smart Phones Useful or Useless?

November 19, 2015
By MaggieWilson BRONZE, Farmington Hills, Michigan
MaggieWilson BRONZE, Farmington Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Phones are making us stupid idiots who can't function in today's society” that is something my 9th grade teacher would tell us almost everyday, but he was wrong our phones are making us smarter and smarter everyday.
Smart phones are a fairly new type of technology. The first cell phone was released 21 years ago by IBM. Now it seems like every kid in America has a smart phone. Because phones are still a fairly new technology there are lots of people who don't understand how useful they can be. All across America kids are using their phones at home to learn new things such as computer coding and cultural things, they are also using their phones to help them at school.

New things are being discovered every day and there's no way that teachers can keep up with them. According to a survey that I conducted 84% of students have learned new things from their phones that they wouldn't have learned at school.

Two high school girls Sophie and Andy learned how to code in their free time and developed a popular website called Tampon Run. Their website became so popular that they developed it into an app that now has almost 400 reviews in the Apple app store.

The community that I live in is extremely diverse. Lots of times people don't talk about why they do certain things because of their culture or religion. Because of cell phones I was able to find out that Diwali is an Hindu festival celebrating the victory of light over dark.

At West Potomac High School in the state of Virginia all students are encouraged to use their phones during school. The assistant principal says “Students can better internalize their lessons when they're doing them on their own personal smartphones or tablets”.

When people say that phones are bad it's because they don't fully understand them and there are many benefits; as time goes on hopefully more people will begin to understand phones and view them and valuable tools.

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