Between Realities | Teen Ink

Between Realities

March 18, 2016
By StefanF BRONZE, Novi Sad, Other
StefanF BRONZE, Novi Sad, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason"

Do you have that one friend who is really nice? A great friend? That one who you hang out with all the time, who's always there for you? The on who you can't imagine yourself without? Everything changes. Think about them again. Do you still have them?

You remember the year, the day and the hour when they called you over and asked if you wanted to attend this one party with them. You are scared as you have never been drinking before, but they tell you not to worry. Trying not to be an outsider and not to lose a great friend, you accept.

The party is over. You are home, you don't remember anything, everything is spinning, where am I, where are you, where are they? Everything has changed - welcome to your new reality!

Don't be scared, you are just growing up, this is normal. Does it feel weird that you still smell like cigarettes and you can still taste the puke and alcohol in your dry mouth?

Does it feel like you have changed while everything around you is the same as it was yesterday? Are your goals in life suddenly in the second place, further away? Are the people you used to love now fading away and you can't make yourself care?

What are you gonna do? Chase your friend and thank him for changing your reality? You can be cool or you be successful, but you can hardly do both. Which way are you gonna go?

Slowly, your reality goes back to what it used to be and you love your loved ones again, everything around you seems as it used to be, same and boring. Do you like it? Or is it boring to you now? Do you have a reputation now? But are scared of your other reality, the one where you are controlled by supstances? Will you control your life or will you let alcohol, drugs, fun and friends control it?

Choose wisely.

The author's comments:

alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, friends, parties, fun, reality, life

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