Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned | Teen Ink

Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned

January 8, 2016
By Kamrin_H BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Kamrin_H BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tobacco companies are getting richer and richer--because of us. Even though their products are killing us, cigarette smokers are asking for more and more. Everyone is going to be in hospital beds while tobacco companies are swimming in pools of cash. Tobacco can  kill you.  One tobacco commercial shows a lady speaking through her tracheotomy tube in her neck. Her voice box had to be removed!  Cigarette smoking should be banned because tobacco use causes so many preventable deaths, users will save money, and users have oral health issues..
One reason why cigarette smoking should be banned because cigarettes cause so many preventable deaths. “The cigarette is the deadliest object in the history of human civilization. cigarettes kill about 6 million people every year.”(Proctor) In the twentieth century smoking was fatal for about 100 million people. Since more tobacco companies are building up imagine how many people are dying now! The cigarette is an unreasonably dangerous thing that is affecting more than half of its everyday users.(Procter)The longer you’re doing it the more effective it is. honestly why kill yourself over a this thing that lasts like 2 minutes. “the world’s present epidemic of lung cancer is almost entirely due to the use of low PH flue-cured tobacco in cigarettes.”(Proctor) cancer is very fatal. People are killing themselves for 6 2 inch sticks. This is one reason why cigarettes should be banned.

Another reason why cigarette smoking should be banned is that it saves money for better things. Cigarette smokers suffer from financial loss because of how frequent they waste their money on cigarette packs. this makes the poor even poorer.(Proctor) Cigarettes are consuming all of the world’s money and we could use money for more than just cigarettes. “Financial burden on public and private treasuries principally from the costs of treating illnesses due to smoking.”(Proctor) Like i said in the beginning, smoking could cause lung cancer. If we ban cigarettes, a large percentage of the world’s lungs will be healthier. The authors think that if all smoking was banned  in 2006, 2.8 million young adult deaths would be avoided between then and 2025. Health spending would go down by $211 billion, or 1.52 percent, in that same period of time.(Kliff)That’s a lot of money. Think about how much money we can spend on our nation. For this reason, cigarettes should be banned.
Another reason why cigarettes should be banned is because of the bad oral hygiene. Smoking and some tobacco products can cause gum disease.(“Smoking and Dental Health: Yellow Teeth, Bad Breath, and Other Smoking Effects”) Smoke contains Benzene, nitrosamines, and formaldehyde which all can damage your teeth. somewhere around 90% of people with cancer of the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat have used or still use tobacco products.(“Smoking and Dental Health: Yellow Teeth, Bad Breath, and Other Smoking Effects”) This all depends on how long you have been doing it or how frequently you do it. Around 37% of smokers who keep doing it after they are cured from cancer of the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat are more likely to get it a second time than 6%who dont do it again.(“Smoking and Dental Health: Yellow Teeth, Bad Breath, and Other Smoking Effects”) Now you can see my side on why cigarettes should be banned.

Although these reasons are reasonable, there are some objections that people might say. One might say, “But it makes me feel good!” It might feel good now, but not later in life. It really should make you feel stupid. Another might say, “It makes me look cool.” No it doesnt. Actually non-smokers are more likely to get married than people that do smoke. A person might say, “I don’t do it that much and I’m going to quit soon!” Well tobacco is a really hard thing to quit. you can get addicted just like that. now you can see that smoking isn’t the best choice for anybody.

Smoking of the cigarettes should be banned because it saves money, prevents deaths, can give you really poor oral health. If we stop all smoking, more lung cancer medical money can be saved and used for needed stuff.



Work Cited
Kliff, By Sarah. “What Would Happen If Americans Stopped Smoking?” Washington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.
Proctor, Robert N. “Why Ban the Sale of Cigarettes? The Case for Abolition.” Tobacco control 22.suppl 1 (2013): i27–i30. Print.
“Smoking and Dental Health: Yellow Teeth, Bad Breath, and Other Smoking Effects.” WebMD. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.

The author's comments:

I stronglly dislike cigarette smokers.

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on Mar. 1 2018 at 11:14 am
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very nice!!!!!