Teen Smoking and Drinking | Teen Ink

Teen Smoking and Drinking

February 13, 2015
By RockTizzle BRONZE, Malborough, Massachusetts
RockTizzle BRONZE, Malborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teen Smoking
Drinking Why?
Outside of price chopper one afternoon one of our reporters spotted Two teens smoking. By themselves outside of the public store. No one confronted them about their actions  or anything.
How are teens getting their hands on drugs cigarettes and alcohol? how does it affect their behavior, personality etc….statistics show that by age 18 more than 70% of teens have had at least one sip of alcohol. Statistics also show that the use of drugs kids under age 18 has increased. Does this generation of kids think that it is cool to drink and smoke? Do they do it for fun? Or is it a stress reliever for them? To start most teens/kids know 3 or more kids who are using drugs or alcohol under age.
How does smoking affect the teens who use? Does it affect those around them important to them(loved ones)? Do they ever have the thought of quitting or has it already become an addiction? Som many questions like that circle through teens and adults who don't use. I interviewed a 14 year old boy in my community. He has chosen to stay anonymous. We asked him questions we think about when we hear teens smoking.

Me: At what age did you start smoking?
Teen: 11 years old.
Me: What do you smoke?
Teen: Marijuana.
Me: How are you getting this drug if your only 14?
Teen: I grow it in my basement?
Me: Are your parents aware that you are smoking?
Teen: Yes.
Me: So are your parents okay with it?
Teen: No, They have reported me to the police before.
Me: how many times do you smoke a day?
Teen: Twice.
Me: Do sell drugs to other people?
Teen: yes.
Me: Do your friends smoke?
Teen: Yah, 7 of them
Me: Do you smoke to look cool?
Teen: No.

Teen drinking is just as bad as teens smoking. Most people also have the same questions for smoking and drinking. Who are kids getting their hands on alcohol.  Maybe the people around them like family members and friends do. Are reporter spoke with a 15 year old boy who happens to drink. He said he drinks as a pain reliever For all the stress that going on in his life. His parents constantly fight and he says its his escape. He also told us just about all the adult figures in his life drink so no one cares that he does. But why aren't the adults stepping in and stopping this?
Most kids who smoke and drink dont think about getting help or teen rehabilitation they just want to. So we need to figure out a way to stop this. we need to be making sure that kids aren't getting their hands on alcohol and drugs.  In my mind by taking away teen smoking and drinking i think it will make our communities a better place.

The author's comments:

smoking and drinking

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on Feb. 19 2015 at 9:59 pm
JesusandHisLawyers SILVER, Austin, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 99 comments

Favorite Quote:
"who the fuck has a favorite personal quote what does that even mean" - me, just now.

Despite what after school specials would have you believe, most teen smokers/drinkers and what not turn out fine. It's not particularly uncommon and it never was. Smoking and alcohol aren't some kind of revolutionary thing; people (including teens) have been doing it for decades.