alcohol | Teen Ink


April 17, 2014
By GreenLee BRONZE, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania
GreenLee BRONZE, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania
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We Need to Produce Less Alcohol

Do you know someone that drinks alcohol? I’m sure everyone knows someone who drinks or has drunk alcohol. It’s not an uncommon or bad thing to but, some people abuse the privilege. Many people don’t know when to stop drinking alcohol or they simply don’t want to. We need less alcohol production and distribution because it causes deathly accidents, bad judgment, and unhealthy addiction.

My first reason for why we should slow the production and distribution of alcohol is because drinking it can cause death. There are thousands of alcoholic driving accidents that happen yearly, but drunk driving isn’t the only deathly consequence of alcohol. It can also cause liver failure and brain damage. Is the enjoyment of alcohol really a good enough reason for all these deaths?

Another reason why we should stop the distribution and production of alcohol is because drinking can cause bad judgment. After you drink alcohol your judgment can become hazy or impaired and you do things you wouldn’t normally do. Here’s an example; you go out with a couple of friends to a party and have a couple drinks. You start feeling a little fuzzy and your vision starts blurring and spinning. You go outside for some air and you decide that it will be fine to throw some old hairspray bottles away in the bomb fire outside. You grab the hairspray bottles and walk to the fire; you know the can will explode but, you don’t think those metal fragments can be that dangerous. It’s just a hairspray can, right? After you throw the can into the bomb fire and it explodes not only you is hurt, everyone around you is too. That is a pretty scary scenario, but it’s not impossible for someone to do that when they’re drunk.

My third and final reason is that alcohol can cause unhealthy addiction. Recent data from the National Institutes of Health reports that 15% of the people living in the United States are considered `problem drinkers`. Of those 15%, 5% - 10% of the males and 3% - 5% of the females can be considered alcoholics. These percentages may not seem like a lot but really, 15% is at least thousands if not millions of people. The money these alcoholics use to buy drinks with could be used in many better ways like charity or for the persons own health.

Some people may disagree with me, prohibiting the production and distribution of alcohol could negatively affect many businesses and bars. I’m sure that if these businesses sold virgin-non-alcoholic drinks in place of the alcoholic ones they’d get just as much business. Also, you may say that alcohol is a celebratory or recreational privilege but, is the mere enjoyment of this poison a good enough excuse for all the deaths it has caused? I wonder what the victims of alcohol poisoning, liver failure, and drunk driving accidents would tell you.

I hope that this essay has struck something in you. Alcohol is not a laughing matter, If we prohibit the production and distribution of alcohol thousands, maybe even millions of lives can be saved. Please join me in this cause.

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argumentive essay

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