Drug Abuse Awareness | Teen Ink

Drug Abuse Awareness

February 27, 2014
By THEfluffyPigeon2 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
THEfluffyPigeon2 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
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More and more arrests and hospital visits are occurring related to drugs. The problem of drug abuse has been going on for a long while and it may seem like we’ve figured things out, but the war on drugs is changing. More awareness of drug abuse is due for the public because the idea is changing; it is no longer just a nightclub item. Drug use is spreading to urban and suburban neighborhoods, and it’s also spreading to teens. Other problems with drugs are just as critical, like the problem of not enough treatment available or its just treatment that is not adequate. The other major problem in drug abuse is drugs are being given to people without their knowing. With the new changes in the war on drugs new situations are being created that are different from the usual stereotype. New situations and new problems are critical ideas that make it crucial to create more awareness for drug abuse.

Drug abuse is a changed idea; nowadays, drug abuse is happening in urban and suburban neighborhoods with teens as well as adults. “There have been growing numbers of young people using drugs since the 1990’s”(Marcovitz 6), and with those new problems are created. Signs of drug abuse have been very apparent in high schools for big drugs like ecstasy. One major sign of ecstasy use is hard candy necklaces, which is a trend among users of ecstasy because they can hide the drugs with it. Young teens don’t know they need help, they don’t realize what these things are doing to them and they will chose to ignore it just for the sake of social acceptance. Now a new generation of drug addicts is being created that defies the usual stereotype. New ideas and new problems come with this generation because more awareness is due. Other young kids will be affected as this problem grows, but with more awareness we can better help to stop the problem before it gets too big.

One of the most important factors in drug abuse is getting help and treatment that will actually end the abuse. Today, it seems like help for this major problem is abundant yet when it comes down to it the help is either not there or is not good enough to actually fix the problem. Some drug counselors say that they have a lack of materials, and starting detoxification without proper medical care can lead to death. Without having proper care, people may be more reluctant to try and get help or try to help others if it doesn’t seem like it will work. People will argue this topic is well under control, but heroin and other narcotic related deaths are reaching epidemic proportions. The problem is not at all under control, as we have seen in many public deaths related towards drug abuse, such as the recent death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Drug abuse was the end to his life even after he had gone to rehab for his drug addiction. Just to prove that the help people receive may not be all it is cracked up to be, his death and many other celebrity deaths related to drugs go to prove even people with money and power can sometimes not overcome this major problem. More awareness and funds towards programs and medical help for drug abuse will help to show where people can get the treatment they need which should help a lot towards this issue.

Finally, one of the most important reasons for more drug abuse awareness is the problem of drugs being used on other people. Many people abuse drugs on other people for illegal purposes. Emergency room visits related to GHB are relatively high and have stayed high and this GHB is a drug directly related to date rape. The use of this drug on other people does not have enough awareness for it many people go out and party, but they do not prepare for the eventuality that this drug could be used on them. While some people do prepare and act with caution most people even with preparation don’t know what to do if it did happen. If more awareness and programs existed, then the problem would change and drastically go down. For now, the awareness of it does not exist, and that is why it remains the problem that it is.

To sum up the problem of drug abuse, it is now affecting different people without available resources to help and people are using drugs on other people as well as on themselves. Drug abuse is spreading to new places and areas on top of all of this and it all emphasizes how important more awareness is to this topic. With more awareness, all problems with this topic could be severely diminished. To help with awareness will not be simple; it will take the collaboration of many programs and people to create resources to help. Everyone’s goal with this issue should be to recognize it is a problem and recognize if they can help in any way.

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