Cancer Sticks | Teen Ink

Cancer Sticks

November 29, 2011
By xPROxPOWNAGEx BRONZE, Evanston, Wyoming
xPROxPOWNAGEx BRONZE, Evanston, Wyoming
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Cough! Cough!” the sound of a 2-year-old baby in the back seat of his daddy’s car loosing his life, cigarette by cigarette will his dad does not have care in the world. Every cigarette smoked takes a whole 5 minutes off of your life even the second hand inhalers. We have to stop this growing problem smoking needs to STOP.

People around the world would be healthier. No more lung cancer, smoking-related diseases kill one and ten adults every year according to Terry Martin if this keeps going she says by 2013 that the rates will dropped to one and six adults a year and these smoking related diseases cost the united states 150 billion dollars a year according to the American Cancer Society. The reason these things are so dangerous is that there are 4,000 different chemicals, 60 are known to cause cancer some of these chemicals are ammonia, tar and carbon monoxide.

The world would be less polluted. Cigarette butts are all over the place, on an 18-mile shoreline in New Hampshire Karen Finogle claims that her and her cleaning crew found 39,000 cigarette butts were found. The air will be much cleaner to, no more suspended ash into the air.

Kids will be less tempted to try this horrible habit. One of five young teens (13-15) has tried smoking worldwide. 50% of adolescence that try smoking go back in the next 15 to 20 years and half of these will turn into long term smokers and die according to the American cancer society. Kids will not find cigarette butts lying around the house, I know this by personal experience that my garage has a lot and I can see how kids could get tempted from these cancer sticks.

People wound have more money coming out of their paycheck. About 15 billion cigarettes are sold daily; 10 million every minute says Taxes wound are dropped, because the United States would not have to pay money to help with all of the medical problems and other junk that comes along with smoking.

Think about that little baby who’s daddy does not care about how he is letting his child inhale these dangerous chemicals and put a stop to too this madness, smoking has to become illegal or our world is going to slowly start to go down the drain.

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