The Drinking Age Should Be Lowerd | Teen Ink

The Drinking Age Should Be Lowerd

April 3, 2011
By WillM BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
WillM BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that the drinking age should be lowered from 21, to 18 years of age. My reason for this is that if you can fight for our country, you should be able to have a glass of wine or a beer or two. Also under age drinking percentages would decrease by a lot and the deaths from alcohol would also decrease.

Fighting for our country is a very dangerous thing, just as alcohol is. Although we have 18 to 20 year old teenagers fighting and dying on our front line every single day, they cannot have any alcohol. People come back form wars traumatized form some of the stuff they have seen. You are telling me that young adults can do that, but not have a beer. That is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever heard. I understand that alcohol kills people too, but which death do you think is worse?

Lowering the age to 18 years of age would decrease the percentages of under age drinking obviously. Less people that are under the age of 21 would not drink because they are legal to do it. Let’s face it, teenagers are dumb and do stuff because they are not allowed to and they think that it is fun and cool. I’m not saying that there will not still be under age drinking, but less people will because it will not be as cool because more people will be able to do it.
The drinking age once used to be 18 instead of 21, so there had to be some reason that it was a good idea for 18, 19, and 20 year olds could drink. Not to mention that all of the alcohol companies would make millions more than they are now. My whole point throughout this essay is that I believe that things should be changed back to the way they were used to.

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