Think Before You Judge | Teen Ink

Think Before You Judge

January 27, 2011
By Anonymous

Drugs. Alcohol. They are looked down upon. People who smoke, drink, or do drugs are instantly criticized without a thought. People judge them, then turn their heads with their noses in the air. Yes, drugs, alcohol and smoking are extremely bad and a very prominent issue, but the bigger issue is why people are doing those things. The problem can’t be fixed by just judgment and punishment. That only further agitates those in need of help. This problem needs to be addressed with consideration and understanding. Ask drug users or alcoholics why they abused substances in the first place. If you tear out the roots, it won’t grow anymore. We need to address the root of the problem so it doesn’t escalate.
Stress is the main reason people abuse drugs. The insane amount of stress in this world is only fuel to the flames. The problem is, we have no relief from this stress besides drugs. Those lucky enough to have a caring family have a support system envied by others. Those who have lost theirs have nowhere to turn to but drugs. We need to provide asylum to those in need of our help.

The author's comments:
simply addressing this problem is long overdue.

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