The Dilemma | Teen Ink

The Dilemma

January 21, 2010
By MasterKFJ96 SILVER, South Hempstead, New York
MasterKFJ96 SILVER, South Hempstead, New York
5 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Anger is a constant equation, Reason is the variable."

For years I have relied on my routine of blaming my problems on someone else. My parents have religiously announced to me “I need to be man.” As a teenager, in my heart I long for my parents to understand that I fear the future. As a result, of my phobia I have become obsessed with indulging for today. That’s okay right? People call it the present because it’s a gift. How we choose to appreciate that gift is what concerns me. Some of my friends and fellow teenagers have used this mentality to experiment with drugs and abuse alcohol. In order, to expose this degenerative behavior for what it is, we must acknowledge the two facts that we have continually avoided.

The first fact is that we are either spoiled excessively or have suffered the crucifixion of abandonment from our parents. There was a time in our lives where all we wanted was our parent’s attention. We asked numerous questions and ran around the house wrecking havoc in the house like Godzilla. As a result of our parent’s desperation for peace, they either decided to put us in front of the television or bought us the latest handheld gaming system. In extreme cases, they told the doctor to prescribe medication for ADD or ADHD. Seems today parents would buy anything to keep us from nagging them to death.

There are also some of us who have watched their parents divorce or not exist in their lives ever. We have wondered for so long what was wrong with us. It’s made us hate the fabric of the soul god created. We never confronted that stranger in the mirror about that and we hope never to have to work off such burden. I know I’ve cried myself to sleep due to the weight of the issue on my shoulders. However, some of my friends have attempted repeatly to convince me that the juvenile behavior of abusing alcohol was a better remedy. I can’t help but think they believe their rational only because of what they view with Reality television. Unfortunately, regardless of which is true we failed miserably to confront the demon comfortably seated in a chair in our hearts.

The second fact is we expect to have adult privileges without having to meet the same standards of responsibility. Most of our lives, so far, we got all things we wanted handed to us without effort and were robbed of what we needed. If life is this easy how boring is the future going to be? For some, getting those drugs or trying to buy alcohol is the only real challenge with excitement they will ever get. We worship those who are able to accomplish that with the belief we will learn the secret. We consider those people our best friends or in some sad cases our heroes.

We can deny those facts easily. Fortunately, we can also choose to confront it head on instead of counting on the same routine. One day, every teenager, including myself, will have to choose between going left an taking the risk of losing all for the love of today; or just doing what’s right for the sake of a better tomorrow. We can keep putting on the same mask that hides our anger. However, it is the variable of reason that in the end will provoke a positive outcome from the equation of life. I know what stopped me from experimenting with drugs and abusing alcohol. The question is; what is your dilemma?

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