Police Brutality | Teen Ink

Police Brutality

May 2, 2017
By jessicawavy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
jessicawavy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and carry his authority as far as it will go,” said, Charles de Montesquieu. Young unfulfilled lives lost due to the abuse of power. Over the decade’s police brutality has remained a major conflict in today’s society. The system does not provide justice even though the law is meant to enforce it, resulting in multiple counts of death targeted toward minorities.
The criminal justice system is corrupt. People in the law enforcement shouldn’t be making the crimes that they are giving consequences too. To support the system some may say no one's perfect. Although, you’d think the officers of the law would learn from others mistakes.There’s a major difference between a minor accident and committing murder with no punishment 9/10 times.                

The criminal justice system is corrupt.People in the law enforcement shouldn’t be making the crimes that they are giving consequences too. To support the system some may say no one's perfect. Although you’d think the officers of the law would learn from others mistakes.There’s a major difference between a minor accident and committing murder with no punishment 9/10 times.

  Racial profiling is the cause of this situation. In the eyes of many it is wrong to suspect someone of an offense due to their ethnicity. Especially when entering the post-racial era. It worsens the situation when some officers do it out of spite to humiliate and frighten. They act as if the badge gives them the right to treat others as anyway they want to. Its called at that point exercising his/ her powers.

Although, to completely evaluate police brutality we need to know both sides of the story. Police officers go every day on the field not knowing what to expect and if they’ll even come back to their home, wife/husband, or children. Not many take that into consideration, and that can be why they blame them for all the unfulfilled lives of the people they love. At moments they should take faults for all of the deaths of the unarmed african american citizens. It gets tough to see clearly through the thoughts of police officers or to even take in their point of view of how they feel, because of the fact that two-thirds of those that die or get injured by police brutality are minorities.

Police brutality and racism are two totally different aspects, but when they are combined the conflicts become a massive destruction in  society. Sometimes to where it is displayed that officers are killing minorities with permission. Social media has made an enormous impact upon the topic. When the lives of Michael Brown, Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, and Philando Castillo were taken. Good and bad impacts to as when people started to riot and killed two officers after Rodney King’s death, but then there are his children that when he died they said they want to solve this world crises not with violence, but with words.

I’ve concluded that overall my research there is no single answer to solving police brutality. Although it is a very serious matter. It is what could one day secede our nation once again. It started becoming a society conflict when citizens now knew cops as criminals of justice and children realized that their heroes had become villains. 


The author's comments:

I was inspired to write about police brutality after I started researching on poicing after civil rights. My intentions are to get people to notice that what is taking place in society shouldn't be.

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