I Hate When People Pick on Emo Kids | Teen Ink

I Hate When People Pick on Emo Kids

March 28, 2017
By Anonymous

If I see anyone picking on emos, I would hunt them down and beat the hell out of them. Seriously, I just don't like when people hate on others and I have seen too many people hating emos and I get tired of it. I have been emo and now I am just a total goth. I have always had a goth side. Emos are pretty amazing people if you get to know them. It's the posers that I hate that give emos a bad name. I was emo recently actually, but not anymore and not all emos cut. If they do cut it's to cope with their problems. I still listen to emo music though and sometimes I still dress emo because I still like the style. Sometimes emos are just more sensitive then others and emo is about looking at life in an emotional way. They are not attention seeking. They are actually more like you than you think. If you hate emos do me a favor and go to hell. Also emos are awesome just like goths so don't judge.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 3 2017 at 5:14 pm
deathshadow BRONZE, Oakdale, California
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
okay well i am emo again and still goth