A Letter to the School Board | Teen Ink

A Letter to the School Board

March 26, 2016
By danny.png BRONZE, OOF, Other
danny.png BRONZE, OOF, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"What do you want, Adam?" "To feel awake when my eyes are open."

Dear School Board,

F*** you.

Okay, that might have come off a little strong. Sorry-not-sorry.

You are horrible people. And because the entitled, rich white people who take up ninety nine percent of this school aren’t about to tell you that, I’m considering it my job to.

You kicked a girl out of your school. Not because she broke any rules. Not because she got bad grades. But because she’s transgender.

First of all, how dare you? Second of all, how dare you? What gives you the right to do that?

I mean, okay, this is a private school, so technically you can kick anyone out if you want to, but… really? Talk about abuse of power.

It honestly, more than anything, makes me scared for everyone else who goes to this school, myself included. What will you do next? You clearly have no problem with excluding someone just because of who they are, so who’s saying you won’t do that to the rest of us too? This really is a horrible school. It’s full of entitled rich kids and prejudiced, transphobic old people who aren’t willing to accept change. And it’s just as much the fault of the students, too. Honestly, I can’t help but think that, even if you had the worst intentions, it might be for the best that this girl can’t go to our school. Because, I mean, imagine if she did. I get enough people asking me if I’m transgender because I cut my hair. The stuff she would have to go through would be unbearable.

Why are you like this in the first place? Why do the gay boys get beaten up in the locker room? Why do you force people to leave your school for no other reason than you don’t like who they are?

And it’s not like it was the principal’s fault, either. The principal, apparently, was accepting and understanding, and I would expect nothing less of him. It’s you, School Board. You are prejudice, and you are horrible, and this is your fault.

You know what, it doesn’t even matter. Let your school stay the way it is. Keep it transphobic and homophobic and become the representation of everything wrong with the world, and watch as your students disappear in front of your eyes. Who’s going to pay overpriced tuition money to go to your piece of s*** school now?

Not us, that’s who.

With Hate,

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