Gender Personality Discrimination | Teen Ink

Gender Personality Discrimination

March 20, 2016
By Anonymous

My family always reminds me of how fortunate my generation is. Technology advancements, freedom of speech, variety of fields of studies, peace treaties and cooperation with other countries, etc. offer the youngsters a happier and more stable future. When I was young, I would easily settle with that idea and fear not for myself. However, as I grew out of my innocent childhood and enrolled into the public society of my hometown, I realized that social conflicts since the dawn of time still lurk in society. Gender inequality still exists, even at school, in households or at work, in the community, in less developing countries, and also in leading countries of the world.

The issue of women discrimination should definitely be addressed first. Women are regularly burdened with domestic work, and in few places denied from education which leads to economic insecurity, as well as receiving poor treatment and violence at school and the environment around them. To be honest, gender inequality happens even at school, where the young generation is shaped for their future. My last school was catastrophic, though gender inequality was not plain to view. It definitely established more equality than other schools in the area, but I could still spot problems. Girls are weaker physically, that's why they are made targets of bullying. Out of personal experience, I'd say that the boys did that out of whims and jokes, but sometimes they went as far as to destroy class assignments or school supplies, then return with a huge grin on their face and stride off or throw it back and apologize in an extremely rude way, even blaming the girl. Of course, because the next generation is more enlightened,  there are those strong-willed girls who would defend themselves by snapping back, or there are those more mature boys who would sincerely atone and not cling to their arrogant pride. By the by, if this is the case, I hope not to see other schools' girls suffer more, because my last school was already quite strict in keeping order. Now, one would predict that discrimination often happens in less developing or educated country, but actually, this more or less happens also in the U.S. According to CNN Money, U.S gender pay gap is getting worse by Ivana Kottasova, “the gap stands at 64%, meaning that women earn about two-thirds of what men make for similar work". This is unreasonable. Back in the past, labor was the major work and women clearly would not have as much strength to earn the same amount of money. Now, with technological advancements, women are able to contribute to this world with their natural gentleness, flexibility and managing ability. Women don’t deserve to be treated as shameful members of families, or the insignificant parts of society. Without women, this world population would have died out before it even started. Women give life to the society, they bear the hardships, the pain of transferring the new generations to this world. Nowadays, intelligent women given chances have become chancellors, presidents, prime minister, and involved in politics, security, environmental issues of the world, as well as in successful businesses. They have the same capability of working like men. If women and men have worked together for the last few centuries, we could only imagine how much more developed this world could have been.

Though a huge population of the world is enlightened to the idea of feminism that is not all to solve the world's conflict of gender. This world is saturated with stereotypes of female and male from the past. While men are supposed to be gallant, intelligent in natural science, and humorous; women are expected to be multitasking, sensitive, and considerate. Everyone is unique in their own way, yet gender inequality establishes the criterion that females should be one way and males should be something else. The new generation could not become great and to contribute to their community, because they are bound by the past biased ideas. Like how body image affects people of the society. When everyone keeps telling you “you're fat”, “you're short” or simply keep talking about appearance to you, you're bound to think that appearance is entirely important and that you are what they say. It's the same way for gender, girls should be like this, boys should be like that, and unconsciously, those words seep into the young generation mind. Those who are out-of-place are reprimanded, even in their peers and in cases of sensitive boys, they are shunned, for boys are expected to be tough. Even though, each gender seems to have a common trait, but a girl could just be having a personality more like a boy and vice versa, for everyone is not remotely the same in appearance, and therefore definitely not the same in personality. Of course, society expects all to have moderate manners, take responsibilities, and not to violate anyone’s rights, but their special nature, whether it's more like the opposite gender, should not be extinguished, only shaped for the good. If a child’s nature is to be reckless, then parents should be careful not to turn him into a sullen shy child. If a child is sensitive, parents should be more considerate and understanding. In the dictionary, equality is “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities”. Naturally, female and male are not the same emotionally or physically - though there are exceptions - but it can be concluded that both can’t be exactly equal. If people are always being categorized into genders, one way or another, one gender would be at a disadvantage. Therefore, to know how to treat all equally, is to view each person's ability and personality, and respect them all the same.

Personalities expected of female and male differ so one could categorize another. However, considering that no one is exactly the same as another, it is absurd to fit personalities into categories. Isn't the world encouraging people to be what they want to be, bringing opportunities and happiness to as many as possible? Everyone has potential within, obscured by their constraints. Gender is that boundary to greater attributions and a world without discrimination. To create a beneficial future, let everyone pursue their desires and give them respect and opportunities, not hindrances on their paths to happiness.

The author's comments:

I hope of a gender harmony future

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