Pitbulls are aggressive but can they be helped? | Teen Ink

Pitbulls are aggressive but can they be helped?

June 19, 2014
By StevenBonini BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
StevenBonini BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
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Pitbulls are aggressive but can they be helped?

“Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier.”-Bruce Lee.
The Pitbull has been a animal of destruction to society but what people don’t understand is that there's always room for change.

The History
Pitbulls were mistreated animals. They were used for their aggressiveness in England and other places 1,000 years ago. By the early 1500’s this became Britain’s past time. By 1884 The American Kennel Club (AKC) had been formed but Pitbulls were not accepted. This is because of their violentlness. Soon enough a man named Chauncey Z. formed the United Kennel Club (UKC) which permitted Pitbulls. He allowed these dogs because people despised them so much because they were used for so much fighting and thats how humans trained them. Society figured that they were horrible creatures but Chauncey was not that hateful of a person. In time he brought dog fighting to justice. The law eventually went through and dog fighting was barred from their forward. Their fighting skills were amazing so that’s why they used them for this blood thirsty sport. When a Pitbull attacks they try to produce maximum damage. Each dog was used for a purpose. The Pitbull’s purpose was to fight other dogs for money. People consider the Pitbull breed a canine gladiator. Because of their name alone some people (not all people) don’t bother to buy or train a Pitbull. If someone does buy one, they sometimes use them for gambling. Most people did this back in the late 1800’s as I have said but still today people continue this sadistic cash producer. The Pitbull brain is the part of their body where they have their worst nature. This is because humans got to their brains by controlling them to do bad things.

Now let’s go over how to train. Let the Pitbull let it get lots of exercise. If it is inside too long it can gain a lot of energy. Even letting it roam in your backyard can help out. A good two hours can get your dog get tired out.

The Crate
Another thing you can do is buy them a crate. Like you, a Pitbull likes having their own small space to live. Now if you get a Pitbull when it’s a puppy you must teach to use to go to the bathroom right away. Find a good spot and train it to go use that place if they need to use it.
You are the King

Now you must show your dog that you are the Alpha Male. Pitbulls tend to think they rule and that they are king. In order to stop this you must take control of all situations at hand. Do not haul out the issue though. Once the problem starts take it out and keep it away. When your Pitbull wants something show them that they must get permission from you first. Their angry manner must be shot down at the instant moment and they have to learn.

Those Chompers
When a Pitbull is young it is your necessity to teach it to stop attacking. Their jaws will clench into anything. A chew toy is a good way to stop this. Show them that people are not things to bite and a toy is a good direction to go in.

Media and Society
People are generally afraid of Pitbulls because of things they see on the news and in the paper or even in magazines. You can stop people from being afraid and stop your Pitbull from attacking other animals and humans. When a Pitbull is young bring them to meet people you know and allow them to secure themselves around people that way there used to them. This will help when they get older that way they do not get very agitated and hostile when others around. Pitbulls get very defensive around other dogs.

The Pitbull can be an aggressive dog no doubt but don’t give up on them just because of what humans used them for.

But today, I feel the genuine warmth, the affection, and although I may joke about it, I am touched.”- Perry Como

The author's comments:
People don't need to be so discriminating.

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