lgbt views | Teen Ink

lgbt views

May 7, 2013
By simistera1 BRONZE, Colorado Speings, Colorado
simistera1 BRONZE, Colorado Speings, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The god given right of love in America is being taken away from lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered. They are being put down and not allowed to marry. Our government is voting on their right to love who they want to or not at shouldn’t even be an issue of anyone else.”….government has no business in marriage. Condescending adults should by natural rights be free to make their own choices as to whom they love…” (policymic)
What if one day the child of yours that you love more than anyone or thing in the world came to you and said, mommy/daddy I like a person and they are the same sex as me. What would you do? Would to turn them away from you? Would you shut them out? While you’re doing that to your child s/he is getting more and more let down. They are felling let down by you as their parents and they are also being let down by themselves because you’re telling them that it’s not right for them to have the feelings that they have. No matter at what age they could be 10 or even 45 when they find out about how they feel and if you’re going to treat them that way they will go into depression .
What if you walk into your bathroom and you see blood everywhere. It’s all over the walls floor sink and on the mirror it says why you couldn’t love me for who I am. You look in the bathtub and they are staring blankly back at you. you’re looking at what your negative behavior towards your child in the face. That negative behavior was death of your child. Then what are you left with ? your left with doubt in yourself and regret but most of all your left with guilt.
You could help or even save a person’s life just by saying I don’t care about your sexuality I will always love you no matter who you love. Support LGBT rights

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