Disillusionment | Teen Ink


May 28, 2012
By Invisible_writer BRONZE, Eastampton, New Jersey
Invisible_writer BRONZE, Eastampton, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never Judge a Book by its Cover

What is the definition of being popular, of being a loser? Your definition may be different from mine, your peers, or even the people you call your friends. Some say being popular is being perfect, being better than everyone else. Everyone knows who falls into those categories: cheerleaders, jocks, rich kids, people with too much make up or too little clothing on…..
Now the loser category is WAY bigger, it is made up of: the brainiacs, the weirdos, the poorly dressed, the band geeks, and the Goths. The definition for this group is, people who aren’t perfect, people that have some flaw about them that popular kids do not like. Boy, do they make it known… I've seen the strongest of people break because of social rejection. I've walked down a hallway just to see someone being verbally abused, and looking around, I saw absolutely no one doing anything to stop it. And people wonder why kids don’t want to go to school!
Mixtures of gossiping girls, vengeful victims, bumbling boys are all around not a good combination. Now, I’ll admit, I gossip every once in a while but not like what I see every day! No, these rumors, these lies are destroying reputations, friendships, and more importantly lives! Did you know that because of bullying and other challenges on top of it, suicide is the third leading cause of death for kids our age? That 160,000 kids every day stay home from school for fear of getting bullied?
How do we live like this? Can we not get through the day without destroying someone else’s life? That if we suffer, everyone should suffer alongside with us. Here’s what I think, nobody is perfect. We are all the same, whether we are short, tall, fat, thin, lanky, bulky. We may look different, but together we make up what we have here. Our home, where ever we are.
There are no losers, no perfect popular kids,(even if in their minds they think they are) there is just us.

The author's comments:
My friend were once discusing this at lunch, and looking around I saw it was true. We are all different, and most people think they are better than everyone else.

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