Racism | Teen Ink


May 13, 2012
By Jared Ware BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jared Ware BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is there still racism in the world today? Even though everyone has equal rights, but do people still show racism towards others? I ask myself that question everyday as I go through life wondering do people still mistreat others just because of the way they look or the color of their skin. The truth is the world will always have those racist people in the world who supports racism just because where they come from and who they grew up with. You can’t always eliminate racism but you can reduce it and make the world a better place.

Racism has been here for centuries, not only America has been going through this, but also the whole world has been going through racism since day one just because of the way they look. Racism and discrimination has been used as a threat encouraging others fear and hatred in times of conflict. Some people are supportive of racial discrimination and being prejudice and only think its words and free speech should be allowed. Others that go against racism think its offensive to the world and people humanity can lead to serious consequences. We’ve been going though life where black people can’t eat in the same place as others can, can’t use the same restrooms, nor use the same bus with one another.

I wish somehow segregation and racism was existed because it was plain wrong in every way and downright disrespectful to all African Americans. Not only had African Americans had to go through with racism, but also Jewish people who been through hell dealing with the racial conflict with the Nazi. I just wish I could make a change of the worlds past, present, and future with racism. I know if it never existed things would be different know and the earth would be a much better place. I just come to you today just to inform you that being diverse isn’t always good but being united with one another can bring this world together and be a better place.

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