Why... | Teen Ink


March 20, 2011
By Equine101 BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
Equine101 BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you look at America’s history, at every point in time, there has been a minority group, which has been discriminated against. African Americans suffered through slavery, Jim Crowe Laws, and the separate but equal doctrine. Many immigrants to the U.S. during the 1800’s experienced violence and inability to find a job with equal pay and treatment as their white counterparts. Women fought for the right to vote and for equal job rights. But through time, American law has slowly started to make discrimination illegal. The 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause guarantees all United States citizens equal protection under the law. Then there is the 15th Amendment, which states that no citizen can be denied voting rights based on “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Time and time again, America has discriminated against a minority, but then realized their wrongdoing and laws against such acts were created. But yet there is still mass discrimination present in our country. Discrimination today is especially prevalent against the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Questing (LGBTQ) community.

The LGBTQ community experiences words of hate, physical violence, and denial of rights, which so many people take for granted. Rights such marriage and adoption, job security and domestic violence protection rights. Very few states offer these rights to lesbians and gays. Until recently gays couldn’t even openly serve in our military. Why is it that other forms of discrimination aren’t acceptable, but this is? Isn’t discrimination, discrimination, regardless of whom it is directed toward?

Bullying in schools is a very prominent problem among the teenage LGBTQ community. Did you know that 64% of LGBT students feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation? Isn’t school supposed to be a safe place for learning? Teens freely use the word “gay” to insult someone or something. What do teachers do about this? Most do nothing. Every time a student throws out the word “gay” in a negative way, some sit there, offended and hurt, hoping a teacher will do something—but they do nothing. Some teachers even participate in the usage of this word and other derogatory words. Do these people even realize that their words hurt? Why can’t our society do something to change this discrimination? Why is it that anytime someone stands of for LGBTQ rights, they get called gay, fag, homo, or dyke? Why?

Aren’t the people that make up the LGBTQ community human? So why do so many people treat them as if they aren’t? When will this discrimination stop? When will discrimination stop? When will our society realize that all people deserve to be treated fairly? The fight to end discrimination against the LGBTQ community isn’t just about “gay rights”; it’s about human rights. It’s about ending discrimination period—not just against LGBTQs. It’s about learning that people are people and should be loved and cared for, not in spite of any differences or flaws, but because of differences and flaws. Our differences are what make us unique. Our flaws are what make us human. So why are we discriminated against for being unique? For being human? Why?

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ve this so much im quoting it in one of my speeches on homophobia.