Trump's America | Teen Ink

Trump's America

February 7, 2017
By omglaura_ SILVER, Hemet, California
omglaura_ SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When you search the name “Donald Trump” on Google, a list of job descriptions appear. Things such as American businessman, television personality, politician, and now wretchedly forty-fifth president of the United States. What the internet won’t tell you once you first google Trump’s name is that he displays characteristics of racism, sexism, and at most times shows aspects of being inexplicably belligerent. That’s when I, alongside others, begin to wonder… how could one man be so hateful? This inquiry leads me into another. How can America be so stupid to allow this man to run our society?

Trump, on multiple occasions, has expressed his hope to deport the eleven-million immigrants living in America. These people consisting of Mexicans and Middle Easterners. People who have helped construct this country. People who have brought new ideas and who have created new opportunities for themselves and their family.
On an emotional level, Trump will be ripping apart families that only hoped to better their lives. Ones that came into America hoping to make more money to support their families and to give their children a better education. Or ones that came running away from their home country in fear that their life was in danger because of terrorists and extremists. With Trump as our president, the so-called “American Dream” is utterly destroyed.

Trump has allegedly expressed that when Mexican immigrants enter the country, they are bringing rapists, killers, and thieves among them. Little does Trump know that most of the crime in the United States is committed by a white man between the ages 20 and 45. And meanwhile while Trump believes that Muslims are terrorists, statistics show that 11,737 Americans are killed annually by being shot by another American, in comparison to 16 being killed by an Islamic terrorist.

Additionally, undocumented immigrants, such as the large population of Mexicans in the United States, are denied university education. This forces them to do labor that is the most strenuous physical work, that pays the least, but yet still requires the most work done. So, Donald Trump, when you’re out building your wall that you expect MEXICO to pay, think about who you are going to hire to mow your lawn or be out in the fields to grow your food.
Or while you are out in your presidential office thinking about the people from the seven Middle Eastern countries including Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Iran, Sudan, and Somalia, that you banned from entering the country, question who’s going to be at the end of the line when you need technological support. Or where are you going to go for medical help if you happen to be in an accident.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 5 2017 at 10:07 pm
omglaura_ SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
thank you!

on Feb. 22 2017 at 2:19 am
RashelLiko SILVER, Tirana, Other
9 articles 0 photos 22 comments
great story!