The People | Teen Ink

The People

January 30, 2017
By kingpapialex777 SILVER, Wilmington , Delaware
kingpapialex777 SILVER, Wilmington , Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
lets get ready to rumble

Nothing really bothers me to the point that I begin to start rants and just get upset. But things like this make me just dumbfounded and make me think how much common sense people really have. This will be an opinion essay about dumb decisions that people make that deserve a facepalm. The problem is Trump getting elected as president.

I disagree with a lot of people's beliefs and decision taking, people of our community to be exact. A big issue is Trump becoming the president of the United States of America. All of his beliefs are wrong, his point of view of the immigrants is wrong, not only Mexicans, but Muslims, etc. He is making decisions that a neo nazi would take, decisions a kkk member would take and that is why both racist organizations support him. He is banning Muslims from the US temporarily, for 4 months, he says Mexicans are rapists and thieves. Now as president he is banning Muslims from 4 countries because of the 9/11 act that took place, but he is banning all 4 Muslim countries and Muslims in general, and that's discrimination towards them because he is assuming that all Muslims are a danger to the US and its citizens.

Personally I don't like Donald Trump as president and he has only been president for a couple of weeks now. I think that he should help instead of trying to isolate himself from countries, in other words he should start thinking with his brain. He is also making a wall separating the border between Mexico and the US. Trump keeps claiming that mexico is gonna pay for the wall, but Mexico says that no one in Mexico will pay for anything, Mexico is already boycotting American businesses like McDonald's, Walmart and other. In my opinion I don't think Mr. Trump knows what he is doing, he has to help the immigrants, he needs to understand that not all muslims are terrorists and mexicans rapists the only thing that they are trying to do is give their loved ones a better life and be happy but that's not how Trump sees it.

Now coming back to the people, things like this irritate me. When the election was still in place i saw on tv that people were actually voting for trump. When I saw Mexicans, Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans voting for Trump I was confused because Trump said that he would be fighting against those races, racism ect I didn't understand was was going through those people's minds, maybe they thought it was funny or something but gave him the vote. Now that trumps president, all i see are protests on the streets about women's rights race equality and all of those things. Now people that voted for Trump have changed their minds about Trump and are joining the streets to protest. Maybe if people voted for someone else none of this would be happening, and that's what makes me upset that people think it's all a joke but when things get serious they get scared.

Finally I hope that Trump doesn't mess the US up too much, and take his job seriously and stop tweeting, snapchatting and look into this with more seriousness. In all Trump just needs to relax and try to not make America more racist than it already is.


The author's comments:

I have my own opinions on thing like everyone does.

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