Obituary: The Death of Hope | Teen Ink

Obituary: The Death of Hope

January 6, 2017
By kailyn.renea BRONZE, Cape Carteret, North Carolina
kailyn.renea BRONZE, Cape Carteret, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
“Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.”
― Stephen King

On this day, we mourn the harsh passing of a great inspiration to people everywhere, Hope. He has been there though everything, bringing many a future that they couldn’t see for themselves. Hope has saved so many lives; however, on this day, we recognize the end of his. No one truly knows where he came from or when he was born; his history has been lost between the cracks in humanity, yet he has dedicated his life to making every lost child feel a little less alone, and a little more loved.

     Hope will always be remembered as the many intense cries of battle, fighting for Independence and Freedom, a plea for a better start. He will also be known for his tender presence with the small child, crying herself to sleep because of the hurtful words and actions of people she believed were her friends, and he will be looked up upon when the child is able to wake up the next day instead of giving up. He has been a dear friend to all of us, and he will be dearly missed every time we feel alone in this world.

     Hope had been infected with a brutal illness many years ago, as more husbands cheated on their wives, and more teens began to have abortions then never see the father again. The sickness spread as our sexist, racist, and secular hatred grew worldwide.

     Hope faltered as all the wars were waged by Fear and Prejudice; riots began consuming the streets, children started killing parents, when people who were always supposed to be there leave and never look back, when Rape and Kidnapping become a sick and twisted trend. As he witnesses Famine, Disease, Hatred, nothing can ever change in his eyes, so he began to wonder “Why try?” Why try  to correct the nightmares of his life?

     He was beaten, while all the children told their little white lies, living up to them, and becoming the best lawyers and politicians we have, living through those lies. He was battered as they discovered the crimes of hate, Blacks matter, Whites matter; we all should matter. Hope had no chance of survival in the car crash that humanity has become: high school dropouts, single moms, the children that will never know their true fathers, politics that become more important than family, society shaming everyone saying they can’t do anything because they don’t look a certain way, they don’t act a certain way.

     Hope lost all will to live, while observing all the suicides caused by pitiful bullies, watching all the misery, floors stained red by the longing for escape, pale faces staring blankly into voids of their own twisted imagination. They are all driven mad, not by illness, but by medicines used to cure the nothingness they feel, all the side effects and therapy sessions that never help.

     Hope sits helpless as he sees all the late night parties, people sleeping with whoever they could find; he died more and more inside as he saw all the children crying themselves to sleep at night, praying tomorrow might be better, and all the self-conscious teens hoping they could maybe find someone who could like them just the way they are, love them for their flaws, instead of only seeing those imperfections and criticizing them.

     Hope couldn’t handle the way our society has become. He hated his life... and felt the way so many do right now without him. That is when he truly died, when all of Humanity turned against each other, and worshiped Hatred and Cruelty.

     Nothing can ever bring Hope back, and nothing can ever bring back what we had, but Hope’s children, Chance and Fate, strive to help ensure their father’s work in people’s lives never goes unnoticed or abandoned, and that we learn to keep our priorities straight. “Hope would have wanted people to find their passions and stick by them no matter what, to make their priorities everything and care with all of their hearts,” says Hope’s only daughter, Chance. We need to stick by our priorities because if we can leave them behind and be perfectly fine, then they were never a priority, and we never truly cared about it in the first place. We must take care of ourselves, as well as help others, because nobody can love without loving themselves first.

     Hope had very little family; his children, his brothers, Compassion and Kindness, and his sister, Love, are the ones able to attend his funeral. His father, Trust, and mother, Loyalty, had been brutally murdered long ago, by those who are blinded by hatred and can only blame others for the mistakes they won’t admit that they made. Hope always strives to live by his parents example, and add a little more to the world, along with his best friend, Respect. Hope was a dear friend to everyone worldwide, and if we can honor his memory, maybe one day his legacy can survive.

The author's comments:

This article is a parody of a newspaper obituary in which the victim of death is the concept of Hope.

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