Safety Problems | Teen Ink

Safety Problems

October 6, 2016
By kim.tyn BRONZE, Queens , New York
kim.tyn BRONZE, Queens , New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you think police brutality has over come the big problem in current times ? All evidence proves that police brutality has been the biggest crime of all according to local news and newspapers . There have been numerous reports about violence coming from the police department and who have been beaten people out of random . Here are some of the reasons .
In 2016 the police are still treating citizens like they are trash . That can pass by because the policemen are humans just like everybody else.The policemen put in so much force onto a human person . There are incidents saying a few policemen have been harmful to criminals when they escort them to prison on the way . In this matter the police department doesn’t take the case into their hands and just takes the policemen badge away for hurting somebody else.


Every country has been suffering the same issue that they been hurt in many ways. In france human rights have been violated . Cases are flying through about the police making an impact to the people who are scared of them . Death is number one fear to all citizens and it’s been proving that policemen are the biggest problem in these current times happening . There's been a lot of body count in the all countries how they been injured or killed.


In conclusion , police brutality has to come to an end and needs to be looked over by the government . It’s a strongly demanded to shot over on this situation.  Some people will ask for justice for those who have lost a life because of the police . The policemen needs to protect not try to make citizens scared of them .

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