Generation Change | Teen Ink

Generation Change

June 20, 2016
By Anonymous

So, recently yesterday I was going through social media. Given the past events of the month, I saw posts of praying for them and several hastags along with it. And I thought to myself. Yeah, sure all of these show that you care for those recent events, but do they really? I mean, making that post will show something, but they most likely won't do anything. I saw on Snapchat people posting #Prayfor____ and only that. Okay, by doing that we aren't doing anything. If we want anything to change like these tragic events to stop, we need to actually do something. Sure you can post something on social media but actually do something. That something might be doing something like me, posting in a way to get you informed and motivated to do something. That something can also be researching and talking with some teachers at your school to figure out how to make these events stop happening. Now, you might be thinking, "How can I help? I'm only a kid or teenager.". Well, I listed only a few reasons how to help. You might think that what you're doing now won't matter but in the end, aren't we the future? Not to get all cheesy and everything but isn't this world that we will be living for our next 60 years? If we all are doing something now, just imagine how our world will turn out when we're adults. Right now in society, our generation has the nametag of "idolent, growing-up-to-fast, stupid teenagers". We're always made fun of. But, if we actually start doing something to change the world and for these acts of violence to stop, we'll be known as the generation who takes a stand and wants the world to become a better place. Overall, if we want something to actually change, we need to do something. You can post, but maybe voice your opinion and try to get other people to join along with you. I always like to use this reference from the musical, "Hamilton". "And when you're gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells your story?".

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