Is Islamic Fundamentalism Bad? | Teen Ink

Is Islamic Fundamentalism Bad?

May 18, 2016
By tczerwinski BRONZE, Suffern, New York
tczerwinski BRONZE, Suffern, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Nobody can deny there is a rise of Islamic fundamentalism.”  (Dominique de Villepin)  What does Villepin mean when he said this? This quote raises an important topic in today's society, especially within the Middle East. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism has spread around the globe with attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, Philadelphia, and the latest attack in Istanbul. These attacks came from the rising terrorist group of Islamic Jihadists, ISIS, also known as ISIL. Created in 1999, ISIL came together with Al Qaeda and reigned terror on New York City and The Pentagon. Once Al Qaeda fell with Osama bin Laden’s death in 2010, ISIS has began to rise to power within the Islamic states of Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The radical side of Islamic Fundamentalism needs to be eradicated through radical Jihadists eyes and taught by only those whose beliefs are not associated with terrorism.
ISIS and Al Qaeda has made the world look at Islam through a negative point of view. Such has been stated in the article written by CNN Wire, “Should We Call It ‘Radical Islam’?” The key points made by CNN was that Islam has been modified to those who are part of ISIL and Al Qaeda. The name was changed from Islam to Radical Islam. These beliefs are contrary to the actions by normal Islamic followers. Islam is described as a peaceful religion, so radicalizing it seems normal to those who don’t understand the basic concepts of Islam. Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State and Democratic candidate for the 2016 Presidential Race said, “America is in a battle against terrorism, rather the ‘Radical Islam’” (Clinton).   Is this statement really true? The terrorism is an effect of the radicals who are proposing different ideals to the normal ones that Allah, the Islamic god has given to them as a society. If these radicals beliefs weren’t so strong to begin with, there wouldn’t be a war against terrorism in the Middle East and Islamic beliefs.

Secondly, the article “ The Iraq War Has Contributed to the Rise in Islamic Militancy” deals with the issue of how the Iraq War helped build up the militaries of terrorist groups in the Middle East. The article’s main idea is that while the United States was fighting Iraq, the terrorists groups were supporting Iraq, causing their numbers to increase. In the text, the author writes that 9/11 started a cause for Islamic terrorists for the future because it helped provide the troops that bin Laden needed to take on the US military because the US was seen as an evil enemy to the Islamics based off of their beliefs towards Islam. (Bandow) Bandow also writes later that the more the Americans fought, it made themselves lose an ally in Israel because they dangering the Israelites. (Bandow) Bandow makes an important statement that is 100% true. He writes, “You now in Iraq have a recruiting ground in which Jihadis people who previously weren’t willing to go out and embrace the vision of bin Laden” are “now aligning themselves with the elements that have declared allegiance to him” (Bandow).   Bandow means that once the US attacked Iraq, they looked like the enemy to Jihadists so if they were to align themselves with bi. Laden, they would be fighting the enemy, the western Christian societies. This idea agrees that radical Jihadists should be destroyed.

On December 20, 2015, Thomas Hegghammer of the New York Times, wrote an article defending those who aren't radicals. While he makes a good point that all Jihadists are not radicals, he forgets to add the point that the radical Jihadists are the ones teaching the normal Jihadists their evil ways. Hegghammer writes about everyday Jihadists who are adapting their culture to those similar in Europe to not be affiliated with the ISIL beliefs. Also, he goes on  to state that these normal Jihadists are being placed in safe houses in the Middle East to be protected from ISIS. Isn’t the irony amazing? Place normal people in safe houses were psychopaths are running around ramped taking over that territory where they hide.

The point is that radicals need to be eliminated soon, or this world can be in WWIII, searching for the mass murders who run around the globe terrorizing nations. Learning what can be done should change the way people view this matter and take it more seriously than they have been. If Obama chose to stop them, there wouldn’t be an ISIS crisis. For you future Mr. President, stop ISIS and radicals across the globe and bring peace to the Middle East.

The author's comments:

ISIS has risen. Terror groups have come and gone. IS it time to make Islamic fundamentalism an evil to the world?

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