Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

May 12, 2016
By 19al01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19al01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Getting up to go to school in the morning not knowing that it is their last day of their life, on April 20, 1999, Seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold took their lives after setting off bombs in a Columbine and murdering twelve classmates and a teacher. This all went down at Columbine High School in the span of fifty minutes, in which became one of the most dreadful shootings ever according to article on the website History. Gun control is needed to save people from mass murders . People aren’t perfect they will make a mistake at one point in their life which might result in death. If gun control was put into place on that day they wouldn’t have killed the twelve students and a teacher. This article will tell you how gun control would help, what we should do, how to prevent these mass shootings. Gun control needs to be in place and here's why.

First why would it help? Studies show that crime would go down, mass shootings, homicides, suicides, and other bloody murders, look at Canada more gun control equals less gun violence. Guns aren't safe, there is cases that have involved children accidentally pulling the trigger on themselves.Too many criminals purchased guns and used them to commit crimes. We need to keep track where the guns go and who has the right to use them. Current gun control laws aren’t going to cut it, we would be better off with stricter gun control on guns.

How would we prevent this mass shootings? Well we need stricter gun control laws. We should be able to be safe when we are walking down the street or watching a movie in the movie theater. We should have track of where the guns go, who is selling them and who are they selling them to. We need to fix the lack of knowledge of where the guns go. Illegal dealers are selling guns to the terrorist so we need to to put the dealers in jail and punish them for their crimes.

Lastly, how do we protect the people, we need higher security when we go to the mall or in a airport or even going to school. We need machines to do a full body scan in the front of the school or wherever you are going. So if they have a gun or a bomb they can prevent it before the mass shooting happens. The security needs to be at its peak at all times sure some freedom will be lost but we will prevent many deaths of innocent people.

Gun control needs to be stricter about their laws on the guns. This article showed you how it would help, How to prevent the crimes from happening, and how to protect people if the crime happens. All of these laws need to happen in order to make people feel secure in the United States of America.

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