Natural Responsibility | Teen Ink

Natural Responsibility

May 4, 2016
By Charon BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Charon BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American government is one of the most powerful organizations in the world. However, they are failing at their most important job. They are not keeping their citizens safe.

I believe that the government is responsible for gun violence in America. In multiple ways they are perpetrators, or supporters of the violence. We need a better government to at least slow gun violence down.

I will begin with Congress. Congress being part of the government is apart of the gun violence in america because they show ignorance toward the idea of gun control. They refuse to pass gun control laws. The Congress has the beginning of a big advantage to make America a safer place by passing gun laws. Before a bill can become a law, both houses of congress must pass identical versions of the bill. Since Sandy Hook congress has not passed a single gun law. “Since then Congress has not passed any laws restricting people’s access to guns to prevent future tragedies.”(Svokos,1)

The second governmental group is the police. Police are supposed to be here to protect us, not to kill us. They abuse their power because they know they can. In some ways they can put themselves above the law. The total number of deaths in 2016 were 4,341. (Gun Violence Archive,1). ‘More than 250 people have been fatally shot in the first three months of 2016”(Washington Post,1). If these rates continued for the whole year, about 1,000 people will be dead. That’s just by the police. Police should be tried as equals with the general populace, with their authority severely limited.

The third governmental group is judges. Judges are responsible also. If they did their jobs fairly and people knew they couldn’t get away with something, they wouldn't do it. For example, a police officer by the name of Dante Servin shot and killed a 22 year old woman. Servin was off duty and opened fire during a confrontation of a group of people. Only four days later the judge proclaimed him not guilty. Though the officer was wrong and his calling was way too quick here's what the judge had to say.

"Simply put, the evidence presented in this case does not support the charges on which the defendant was indicted and tried. There being no evidence of recklessness as a matter of law, there is no evidence to which the state could sustain its burden of proof as to the fourth element of the charge of involuntary manslaughter," Judge Dennis Porter said. "Therefore, there is a finding of not guilty on all counts and the defendant is discharged." (Pathieu, Gallardo,1).

There was much evidence. Someone was dead and he was the perpetrator. The people weren't doing anything wrong.

Some people think that it’s the killers fault of shootings in America. While it is the killers fault in time of the action the government still plays a big part. It’s the government's job to protect us from these things. If gun laws are passed America will be a safer place.. If they had background checks before the purchase of a gun it will definitely reduce killings. It won’t stop all but it’ll prevent what it can. The government  not passing gun laws is a ridiculous choice.

The lack of the government doing their job is the reason for the high rates of shootings in America. Americans should vote for a government that would actually change for the people’s good and not their own.


"Congress Has Not Passed A Single Gun Control Law Since Sandy Hook." Elite Daily Congress Has Not Passed A Single Gun Control Law Since Sandy Hook Comments. 2015. Web. 04 May 2016.

John Sullivan, Derek Hawkins, Kate McCormick, Ashley Balcerzak, and Wesley Lowery. "Police Shootings." Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 04 May 2016.

"Judge Finds Chicago Cop Not Guilty in Woman's Fatal Shooting." ABC7 Chicago. Web. 04 May 2016.

"2016." Gun Violence Archive. Web. 04 May 2016.

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