Police Brutality | Teen Ink

Police Brutality

January 27, 2016
By sharoncaniff BRONZE, Austin, Texas
sharoncaniff BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you hear the word police brutality? For many people it maybe unsafe or afraid. Why? Police officers have taken over “their” power of being a police officer. They hurt people who are innocent, they honestly don’t do anything but police men/women feel like they should hurt them because of their skin tone. Police Officers take advantage of how much power they have. Police officers now know that if they commit murder, they won’t get charged for it. They should be told to shoot in the arm or legs but no more than two times but they don't do that.

I read off of a website about police brutality that Dominic Fuller, Auburndale, FL: Sheriff deputy shot and killed a man armed with a stapler. Deputies were called to investigate suspicious activities and found Fuller sitting in a stolen car outside of a house. Fuller ran as the policemen approached him, which lead to a crazy chase through the neighborhood. A witness reported hearing Fuller say he had a gun, and other witnesses reported him saying he was armed. According to the Sheriff’s office, he was refusing command and standing in a doorway with his right arm behind his back. When Fuller lifted his hand, the deputy saw a black and chrome object. Deputy Gabriel Reveron fired five times at Fuller. It was later confirmed that he was holding a stapler.

Hands up”! Police brutality is a problem in our society because police are getting away with hurting people severely and in some of cases killing them. There are some cops that have been abusing people for a long time but, nothing has been done about it. They have been breaking into peoples houses without knocking and raiding them.Many times these police repeatedly beat a person after restraining which then leads to death and nothing happens about it when really they don't have to beat anyone they can just hit them one time and that's it.

A lot of the time the police don’t know the laws and they try to prove them wrong even though the police are wrong. Then the police try to detain them for something that they are not doing wrong. The law states that we are innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent. They use their fists, tasers, nightsticks, and even guns to beat the suspects and torture them. The cause for this is police that think they are above the law and cops that are sick, twisted, and have no idea how detain a suspect without hurting them. A solution for this problem is for the leader or head of the police department to train them better and if they hear of this happening to kick them off the force. People need to speak up when they see this thing happening. Police officers have a badge but it doesn’t mean that they rule everybody. If you saw a cop beating a person would you say something? If you just saw a regular citizen beating someone would you say something? would you do something to stop this?

In conclusion police brutality is a problem in society because people are getting hurt by cops who are abusing their power and getting people into situations that they shouldn’t be in. My evidence was shown in the stories that I have read and the statistics I have found through my research. can you make a movement today?

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Rynn750 SILVER said...
on Feb. 2 2016 at 9:15 am
Rynn750 SILVER, Somewhere, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A cynical young person is almost the saddest sight to see, because it means that he or she has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing." - Maya Angelou

Most police officers try to uphold the law and take their jobs very seriously. There's just a few bad ones who give the police a negative stigma.