Capital Punishment in America | Teen Ink

Capital Punishment in America

December 17, 2015
By erin_cymone SILVER, Mccordsville, Indiana
erin_cymone SILVER, Mccordsville, Indiana
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Is the death penalty really justice for all?

Imagine that you're on trial for committing a murder. You’ve been convicted and sentenced to death. The death penalty continues to be one of the most controversial topics in the united states. Some feel that the death penalty should be allowed, while others argue that it is unethical. There are many positives and negatives that come with using the death penalty. In a way capital punishment sends the wrong message. .The death penalty promotes murder, which is contradicting what it's supposed to be preventing. Murdering one person for killing another, to show that murdering is wrong, is hypocritical. The death penalty also gives convicted criminals an easy way out. Instead of having to think about what they did everyday for the rest of their lives, they get to end their suffering.
The death penalty has been used as a form of punishment since the biblical times.  From crimes varying from minor to major, capital punishment is still popular. George Kendall was the first person to be executed in the united states in Jamestown, Virginia in 1608. ( death penalty information center) Because of lack of technology and science in earlier times, hanging was the first and most common method used.

There are five methods of execution that are used in the united states. Those methods are, electrocution, lethal injection, firing squad, hanging, and death by gas. (death penalty information center)  Only 32 states use the death penalty and not all of them offer the same methods. Three states allow hanging, two states allow the firing squad, three states allow the gas chamber, 23 states allow lethal injection, and eight states offer electrocution. (death penalty information center)

If the inmate chooses lethal injection, they are strapped to a gurney with straps on the entire body. An IV is inserted inside a usable vein. the first drug given is a harmless saline solution. then, sodium thiopental, which puts the inmate to sleep, is injected. Next, pancuronium bromide is injected, which paralyzes the inmate and stops breathing. Lastly, potassium chloride is injected, which stops the heart. After each drug is inserted, a saline solution is injected to keep the drugs from counteracting each other. (death penalty information center) For hanging, the prisoner’s hands and legs are secure and a blindfold is placed. the noose is placed around the neck. Death occurs when the trap door underneath them is released and the prisoner falls through.  (death penalty information center) If electrocution is chosen,  the inmate is first shaved so that the electricity runs through their body more efficiently. Then, belts are placed across the chest, groin, legs, and arms. A metal cap is placed on the head along with a moist sponge covered in saline. Another sponge is covered with a conductive jelly to reduce resistance to the electric current. Lastly, the inmate is blindfolded and the execution begins.  ( death penalty information center ) For  death by gas, the prisoner is strapped in a chair inside an airtight chamber. below them is a bucket of sulfuric acid, which increases the reaction process. Then, cyanide crystals are released into the bucket. (death penalty information center)  The last method available for prisoners is firing squad. The men that will be doing the shooting are five law enforcement officers. A target is placed over the heart and each shooter is given a 30 caliber rifle. One of the guns contains a blank round so nobody will know who fired the last fatal shot. The inmate is tied to a chair with straps across the waist and head and a black hood is pulled over his/her head. The chair is surrounded by sandbags to absorb the inmates blood. (death penalty information center)

There are pros and cons that come with using the death penalty. But, there are more  cons then pros. The only positive side to the death penalty, is the closure that is given to the victim's family because they know that he/she will never hurt anyone else again. The cons outweigh the pros.The downsides of the death penalty are, how expensive it is, its violation of the 8th amendment in the US constitution that prevents cruel and unusual punishment, and the possibility that an innocent person is being put to death. ( the washington post)  According to the national academy of sciences, at least 4.1% of prisoners on death row have been wrongly convicted. (ny times)
Why is there so much controversy that surrounds capital punishment? Because, sometimes botched executions occur and the prisoner has to be executed multiple times in order to kill them. A botched execution occurs when something goes wrong during the execution process. (death penalty information center) For example, if hanging was the method of execution and if the drop isnt long enough or the noose wasn't placed correctly, death is slow and painful. The face swells, the eyes pop, the body defecates, and violent muscle movements occur. This becomes torturous and it takes longer than the designated time. This is why capital punishment is still constantly debated because people feel that it's unethical.

Why should we murder to prevent other murders from taking place? There are others ways of punishment rather than killing someone. In my opinion, a life sentence should be given which gives them the opportunity to think about what they did for the rest of their lives. To me, that's way worse than dying because after death your life on this earth is over which means that they would no longer have to suffer physically and mentally. The death penalty is immoral. The bible says that we should not kill. Whether it is killing someone as a punishment or not, killing is still wrong. (Exodus) The bible also states that we shouldn’t seek revenge and that is exactly what you're doing when you execute someone. (Romans) Yes, the death penalty does solve a few things but, two wrongs don't make a right.  I’m going to conclude my essay with this question, is the death penalty really justice for all?

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