Aliens Invading America | Teen Ink

Aliens Invading America

August 3, 2015
By glorbatista1016 BRONZE, Everett,
glorbatista1016 BRONZE, Everett,
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today in America, anyone who is not American born or declared an American citizen is considered an Alien. Although “Alien” is the legitament, legal term for an undocumented immigrant, the term in itself is harsh. In today’s society it is easy to forget the roots of America and the immigrant hands that built this country up. There are no American’s today that are considered native in today’s world, therefore the discrimation must stop especially in the educational world. Every year hundreds of immigrants are denied the education they deserve.


Education should be given to any one wants it.

Education is important because want to live better lives. Every year thousands of immigrants leave their country to find a better life and education. There are so many reasons why immigrants choose to start a new life here in America To name a few, it could be for a better financial status, the well being of their family, but usuallty people come to America to be able to achieve a hgiher education. WIth that being said, being a daughter of two immigrants, has taught me about identity, passion, and hard work. My two parents are from Brazil they decided that moving to America would be the best choice for them. They came here not knowing what to expect and had no education to fall back on. My mom had high school but my father had nothing at all. So they both new that they wouldn’t be sitting in a fancy office for a job they would being doing a lot of hard work if they wanted a better life. That was ok because they knew they would/ could succeed. Years 1990-1994 they had the opportunity to find a job, because at that time today undocumented immigrants did not have that opportunity at all and their chances of finding a job was very slim. Even though my parents struggled for a while, they did not reach their ultimate goal which was to get a higher education in America due to all the obstacles put in front of him by the American government. However, with a lot of hard work and determination they were able to be successful regardless.
“Hard-working, determined people should not be denied the chance to chase their dreams and further their education regardless of their immigration status. These people have probably already sacrificed much just to live here, and they should not be denied the opportunity to attend college.”

Inequality for immigrants and education needs to be changed because denying someone the right of getting an education is not okay. There are so many people in this world who are documented and don’t want to further their education while there are so many trying to do anything in their power to be able to. I wish I could understand why this country is the way it is.

“A study done by the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project estimates that about 11.7 million undocumented immigrants are living in the U.S., according to a Sept. 23 New York Times article. Texas is one of the six states where 60 percent of unauthorized immigrants live, according to the same study.”  All we talk about in this world is how bad immgrants are and why they need to leave our country but never do I hear that they could actually benefit us. Giving a chance to these undocumented people could better us. They could bring their knowledge and help us with stuff we know nothing about. As a society we need to think more about how they could really help us. Giving undocumented immigrants the right of education can only benefir America. First off, equality in higher education can result in more jobs and a better economy. This also means that there would be more job oppurtunites therefore lower poverty rates. Undocumented immigrants being able to achieve a higher education can only help America.

Although immigration is a heavy topic to touch upon, it is a topic that needs and deserves attention. America in a whole is made up of immigrants Immigrants constructed this country and gave it the oppurtunity of being what it is today. Eduation is also a delicate topic and not made for all to achieve. However, if an individual, such as an undocumented immigrant is willing to chase after their dream of a higher education, there should not be extra obstacles put in front of them in order for them to be able to reach their goal. Education is made to be equal and is made for all. Your race does not determine your right to an education.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 8 2015 at 12:12 am
RightWingExtremist BRONZE, Riverton, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
-Ronald Reagan

If you want to immigrate here, fine I have no problem, just follow the law. If you break the law you shouldn't be rewarded with all the great things America has to offer. It's not discrimination to deny people who broke the law education, that law & order.