Are You "Ready for Hillary?" | Teen Ink

Are You "Ready for Hillary?"

May 13, 2015
By Lindsey Violet BRONZE, Dover, Ohio
Lindsey Violet BRONZE, Dover, Ohio
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 The question everyone has been asking since Hillary came out with her announcement to run for the presidency is “Are We Ready For Hillary?” To be completely honest, as much as she and her media team would like to make us believe that we are, I’m not buying it and you shouldn’t either. Clinton has made numerous changes to her platform and beliefs since her run in the democrat primary seven years ago in 2008, let alone the fact that her opinions have changed several times since she was first lady when her husband, Bill Clinton, was in office. Since Hillary has done some good work for our country, I think it only fair to examine her platforms, their changes, and also discover if and why they changed.

One of the biggest changes in Clinton’s platform from her time as first lady and Senator, and more recently in her run for president in the 2008 election to the 2016 is her views on civil liberties. Basically, she has done a 360 on her stance on gay marriage. In 1996 Bill Clinton passed the Defense of Marriage act that bans same sex marriage and allows states to ignore same sex unions licensed in other countries. Hillary didn’t oppose this at all, instead she showed her complete and utter support. Hillary fans argue that in 1999 she said she supported “domestic partnership measures” that gave the same health and financial benefits to gays as straights and this shows her support for the movement, and it was just shadowed by Bill’s disdain for it. However, she was quoted several weeks later saying, “Marriage has historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman.” 

Then, in 2003 she flipped yet again, and began to push legislation that allowed homosexuals to have the same rights as heterosexuals. Her opinion was, “"You know, marriage has a meaning that ... I think should be kept as it historically has been, but I see no reason whatsoever why people in committed relationships can't have ... many of the same rights and the same ... respect for their unions that they are seeking. And I would like to see that be more accepted than it is. ... I also think that we can realize the same results for many committed couples by urging that states and localities adopt civil union and domestic partnership laws." But then we see her flip again. In the 2008 presidential race, when asked if she was for or against same sex marriage, she announced that she was against this.

If my count is correct, that is four times she has flipped her views on one topic, and I’m not even done yet. That’s not an evolving opinion,  Several weeks ago, she spoke at a Human Rights Campaign conference. She said, “Even though progress on this front is not easy, we cannot delay acting. We need to reach a global consensus to realize the LGBT right everywhere...Being LGBT does not make you less human. Gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights. It is a violation of human rights when a government says being gay is illegal.” So you’ve heard it folks...Hillary Clinton has flipped again to be pro-gay rights.

One of Hillary Clinton’s biggest faults is hypocrisy. Since her time as first lady, she has been one of the most well known activists for gender equality. At the annual Women in the World conference in 2013, Hillary Clinton started the ball rolling full speed to end unequal pay between males and females. She made sure we were informed women only made seventy-seven cents on the dollar that men make for doing the same job. Then last week, Caleb Parke of Fox news uncovered some shocking news about Hillary Clinton. As senator, she paid women seventy-two cents for each dollar she paid men. When questioned at the Washington Mall in D.C., supporters said they were shocked and would no longer vote for Clinton.

As of now, the electoral college is in Clinton’s favor, as well as the democratic party. But as a high school, what do we think about having her for a president? Are we okay with it, and are we ready for a woman president? I polled eighty-eight students to find out. Out of those students, fifty-one said they were republican. Only two of those republicans said they would vote for Clinton. Seven students amongst those I polled identified as democrat. Out of the seven democrats, two said they would vote for her and their reasoning was simply, “she’s a woman.” The other thirty students have not yet identified their political party of choice, yet ten of them said they would vote for Clinton.

So to conclude, I do not under any circumstance think we are ready to have Hillary Clinton in office. Our town, let alone our country are in my opinion are very traditional. We are not ready for the radical ideas and mood swings of this candidate. Mrs. Clinton is an opportunist who sways to and fro with the tide of popular opinion. As a country, we are not prepared for an indecisive president who cannot quickly make the best decision for our country, without compromising their integrity as she did in Benghazi.

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