Environment | Teen Ink


May 13, 2015
By Kennedy Tabura BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kennedy Tabura BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The environment has always been there for us, but are we doing our part for the environment?  Our part as human beings living on Earth, is to take care of what nature has to give us.  Nature gives us many aspects of life such as life, water, food, crops, trees etc.  I come from Hawai?i and over here their is a saying we have called “M?lama ka ??ina.” Which means, take care of the land.  Here in Hawai?i we really care for our land, so I have the strong mindset of taking after my ancestor’s legacy which was taking care of the land.  Ever since I was a little girl, I always saw cigarette butts on the ground, candy wrappers laying on the ground, trash bags all over and more.  I notice how much there is a lack of respect for humans not taking care of the land they live on. 

I have a solution to this problem.  I don’t know how bad this problem is in other countries but as an American, I know our country is slacking in this subject.  As an American nation, there should be strict laws enforcing that no man, women or child shall liter on the floor and if the person is physically able to, then a person who sees waste on the ground should pick it up and throw it away in a trash can.  We as human beings, shouldn’t be reminded to do something like this because we should all know that if you take care of the land the land will take care of you.  Imagine if every single person living in America liters at one time, most land would be covered up in waste, holding back traffic and ruining everyone’s daily schedule.  Well, guess what America!  It is our turn to stand up for what is right and the right thing to do is enforce stricter laws about keeping our environment safe for our future generations.

Going back to why I care so much about the environment is because in Hawai?i, foreigners that know nothing about Mauna Kea, are building a thirty meter telescope on the Hawaiian mountain.  Mauna Kea is a sacred mountain that belongs to the Native Hawaiians, but with todays technology and constant laws passing, it is now a telescope study for astronomers.  Not only is there already about 13 telescopes on Mauna Kea, but this telescope being built is going to be 30 meters!  That is a lot of land to cover, I honestly think that this is totally unnecessary keeping in mind that our mountain already has a lot of telescopes, why would they want to build more?  This conflict relates to the environment in many ways.  If this telescope gets built, there is a high chance where Hawai’i will lose its fresh water from the mountain.  There is an easy solution to this problem, DO NOT BUILD THE LARGE STRUCTURE ON AN IMPORTANT PIECE OF NATURE.  All in all, I would like you to think about how you treat the environment for the rest of your life, maybe it might even save the land for more generations to come with the solutions I have listed above!  Take a stand for what you believe in and do the right thing.

The author's comments:

The problems facing the environment today, inspired me to write this piece.

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