United | Teen Ink


January 12, 2015
By Anonymous

What truly is war? What is suffering? What is death?  These questions are asked everyday but they don't have definitive answers. Rockets are shot by terrorist groups into Israel and Israel sends rockets back at the terrorist groups. This process of warfare is neverending; there will never be one definite winner, only losers. Lives are taken almost everyday from both of these groups. There is an increase in stabbings in Jerusalem and increase in bombings around the Middle East. People don't what to leave their homes because they are fearful and restricted. If one leaves his/her house in these Middle Eastern countries he/she can possibly be bombed, stabbed, or killed.

I have more family in Israel than I do in America. Every single one of my cousins must serve in the army. I am constantly thinking about what can happen to them. Whenever the news is on and I hear anything about killings or bombings my body aches; I say that may be my loved ones. People that can make a difference must stand united and strong to create peace.

I urge you, the teens of this complicated, diverse, and hectic world to unite and make this situation disappear. The teens, who are the future leaders of this world, are the ones that must think of a solution. This peaceful reform must be enacted by all and be made a priority. I know that people may say that this topic is not that important and should not be made a top priority but it is. If people think that an all out nuclear war is not top priority or possibility, then they are kidding themselves.

We, as one, must stand together in order to alleviate this world issue. Peace is the only option that we have in order to solve this problem. Innocent people are dying and the carnage will only get worse if we don't act fast. We would be saving millions of lives by resolving this situation and it is our responsibility, as the future, leaders to eradicate it.

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