A Letter to Anti-Immigratns | Teen Ink

A Letter to Anti-Immigratns

December 23, 2014
By Anonymous

Imagine people walking through the desert day and night. Walking in high temperatures during the day and at night submitting them selves to the low temperatures. Also imagine people crossing an immense river with fast current.  The sad part is when the kids have to go through this too.
The people who are lucky and get a good “coyote” or as to be know as a smuggler are able to cross the border in less than two to three days. Now does who are not lucky it can take them up to a week or more. Staying in the desert is not the worst part; the worst part is when immigration patrol arrests you and your dream of crossing the border has died. Now you start all over again. The distance you had walk you have to walk it again. It is really arduous to cross the Mexican-American border. What all this people want it to reach their dream, the American dream.


I honestly think that some immigrants should be legal in the United States. I feel like they should be compensated because they went through such a struggle.  Nobody would want to leave their native land if it was not necessary. Nobody would want to leave their family and friends behind. We all have different reasons for coming to America, but it all unites for a better life. I know that the United States of America has been slam hard with terrorism and drugs. I understand the fact that citizenship for immigrants cannot be facilitated in order to maintain a secure country. What I cannot comprehend is why some people are against President Obama helping the immigrants. Why can they be in our shoes and realize that we have a need.
Is it because of the simple fact that we do not belong in the United States?

If it is for that reason than everyone in America better start packing and going back to where they belong. Matter fact I would volunteer to help them pack.


History says that a Native Americans occupy this territory before the Whites did, so I do not get why they are being so inconsiderate. Is in it true that the Puritans came to the America because they wanted freedom and a better life?

 Honestly we do not like being the minority and feeling oppressed. We are oppressed by not being able to interact with other because we do not understand the language. We are oppressed by not being able to fully express our culture. We have to quit our comfort zone to be able to have a better life. As an immigrant we have to deal with this everyday.  We have to be able to assimilate to this country. We tolerate all of this because we are just looking for a better life.


Am an immigrant myself and I dream of one day being a U.S citizen. I dream of one day going to a good University and becoming a professional. I did not just come to America to stay a mediocre; I left my Beautiful Mexico for a better life. I feel the need that my efforts and suffrage have to be compensated, just like everybody else who went through the same thing and has suffered.

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