America Innocent? We May Need to Take Account for Our Actions! | Teen Ink

America Innocent? We May Need to Take Account for Our Actions!

December 17, 2014
By Sam Angelo BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sam Angelo BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Despite worldwide wars throughout history, everybody has lived through or during at least one or more conflicts. From the tiniest war to the largest World War, today’s society knows what wars are and how dangerous they are especially in the United States.

Now what people may not know is how serious and dangerous these wars can be, yet they can be avoidable in the smallest sense. Now every kid knows what can happen when they get provoked, whether it’s on the playground or in school, people fight everyday throughout the world. Now grow this small fight into an enormous war over two countries where thousands of people are killed every day. International wars can be avoided, similar to small fights when people are young. Why should wars even exist? Because they provide balance? Or Stability? I believe that wars are avoidable and people need to deal with things in a more civil manner. I mean in reality, leaders get into fights and then have millions of soldiers fight their battle for them. Now most people might think, oh god you’re biased because you live in America where everything is the best and the United States isn’t at fault, but I’m here telling you that America is just as much at fault as any other country. In the Iraq War, The United States invaded Iraq and the Middle East because they assumed they had WMD’s? Or they just assumed that they were bad? I don’t know but in my opinion I feel as though some countries are wrong in doing what they do. The world should be a better place filled with kindness, but I don’t think America should be held above other countries.

America may not be the “innocent” country after all, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I hate America, I’m just stating a simple fact that America can’t be held above every other country in the world, we are at fault also. In my honest opinion I think wars that happen across the world are the same as small fights of when people are children. One small tiny reason is the cause of a great dispute that creates a plague of deaths and a source of chaos. Wars have no meaning in this world other than death and peril.

So with everything that I have just stated, wars are avoidable despite of how they may seem in this world, they are no different than any other disagreement. In addition, I think the United States is not the small innocent country that we make ourselves out to be. We need to take responsibility for our actions in this world.

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