American | Teen Ink


December 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you ever stop to think about how lucky we are to live in America?  Have you ever thought about the lives lost trying to protect us? We should all be proud of our Country. I am proud to be an American because we are like one big family. Though we have disagreements we are all held together by the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. These three things give us freedom and a safe set of rules. Without these things you are not a true American.


Our founding fathers and many other people spent a lot of time, effort and money on making America what it is today. Without these America wouldn’t have as much value to me. Over time people have put their minds together to make America a better place. They have struggled, they have fought and they have shed blood to try and make a place that held a better future.


I am proud for many reasons, each have much value and without even one of them America wouldn’t be the same. I am proud that I can live in a Country where I can freely worship my God. I am proud that women have rights, such as being able to vote and talk without permission, were they can show their face and be proud of it. I am proud that I live in a Country that has a say in how it is ran.


We as American Citizens have a voice in how our Country is being run. We get to shape the way our Country looks. America is a reflection of our actions. I am proud that no one person has the power to change our Country. I am proud that I can live in a Country were my mom can get a job that is just as good as or better than my dad’s. I can wake up and look around and not have to see war or death. I can go to a Christian school 15 minutes from my house.


I am obviously proud to be an American for many reasons. Every day I forget to realize how lucky I am, I usually focus on having the newest phone or clothes I never stop to realize how much work has been put into the Country I live in. But right now I want to thank God for this Country  and the millions of people that have impacted it for the greater good.

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