Gay Marriage in Utah | Teen Ink

Gay Marriage in Utah

April 28, 2014
By Ian Griffith BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Ian Griffith BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gay Marriage In Utah

Same-Sex marriage has been a controversial topic in Utah for many years. Taking away a couple’s right to marry, no matter what their sexual orientation may be, is constitutionally and ethically immoral. There are a plethora of reasons why legalizing same-sex marriage would be beneficial, not only positively affecting couples, but State’s governments and economies as well. The Constitution promotes liberty and equality for all, while references from the Bible quoting how same-sex marriage is against the word of God have been grossly misconstrued. Gay marriage should be legalized in the State of Utah; refusing to give a couple the right to marry unconstitutionally takes away their liberty, thus denying them fair pursuit of the American Dream.
In 1847, disciples of the Mormon religion decided that to escape persecution, they had to leave their former residence in Illinois and seek a new area where they could freely practice their radical religion. Brigham Young and his followers eventually began their new settlement in Utah, fiercely working to make it a state, due to their desire for religious and marital freedom and the end of persecution from the Catholics, Protestants and Jews in the eastern states ( This shows that Utah is a place of liberty and freedom; even if Gay marriage is against Mormon ideology, the fact that Utah was created for the sole purpose of people’s freedom should translate directly to the fight for legalizing same-sex marriage. Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution of Utah states the following:
All men have the inherent and inalienable right to enjoy and defend their lives and liberties; to acquire, possess and protect property; to worship according to the dictates of their consciences; to assemble peaceably, protest against wrongs, and petition for redress of grievances; to communicate freely their thoughts and opinions, being responsible for the abuse of that right.

The Utah Constitution also states that same-sex marriage is against the law ( However, it is time for people to realize that denying same-sex marriage takes away the ability of all men to “enjoy and defend their lives and liberties…” How can a state that was created by a desire for freedom deny any sort of freedom to its people?

In an article he wrote for the Huffington Post, Centre College professor Lee Jefferson says that the Bible refers to marriage as “a secular and social institution” and the Bible doesn’t actually say anything about the process of marriages; quotes from the Bible that have anti-gay themes are actually in sections of the Bible that do not have anything to do with marriage. This means that even though the Bible may say homosexual orientation is against the word of God, it never says that same-sex marriage is against the word of God, therefore meaning that Bible references have no stance in the debate because they are irrelevant in terms of marriage.
In his book The Epic of America, James Truslow Adams states that the American Dream is “…a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” This statement almost mirrors the ideas of our Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution, and serves as the basis for why they created this beautiful nation. The American Dream is neither a contract, nor is it a law; it is a promise that everyone who is a citizen of this country has the right and the freedom to pursue their liberty, and achieve their individual dreams no matter what they may be. It is difficult for people to be recognized equally when their views on love are “questionable” and illegal.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, legalizing same-sex marriage will generate several million dollars in profit for the Utah economy. Through wedding costs alone, the state will make $12.1 million. Another $3.4 million will be added for the travel costs of wedding guests, bringing the total revenue to over $15 million dollars after sales tax. The state of Utah will not be the only party to gain an advantage however; there are hundreds of small businesses that will benefit from legalizing same-sex marriage, potentially adding up to 300 new jobs to the Utah market. The comptroller for New York City has released a study showing that same-sex marriage will bring in over $134 million in revenue for the city and $184 million for the state in just three years ( This will provide states with the necessary resources to improve roads, city buildings, and free space. It will also allow them to help less fortunate people by providing food and clothing donations, housing developments, and affordable education, thus giving more than just same-sex couples the ability to pursue the American Dream.
In 1968 the Supreme Court declared segregation unconstitutional, and ended the separation of blacks and whites in the United States. Now, in modern times, we are spreading the message that it is acceptable to discriminate against people by denying gay couples the right to marry. Denying gay couples the right to marry also sends the message that gay couples are inferior and should be treated as such. It is unacceptable to let a new generation of children grow up in a world where it is acceptable to discriminate against people. We instead, should be teaching ideas of equality and acceptance, as the NAACP and other civil rights organizations promoted in the late 20th century.
Not only is it unconstitutional and discriminatory to deny gay couples marriage, it is taking away their rights to receive benefits that only married couples are able to receive. Gay marriage needs to be legalized so couples can receive the full benefits allowed by law, including Tax, Insurance, Medical, Death, Family, and many more benefits that everyone has the constitutional right to receive. Giving couples these rights will let them live a safer and more secure life, while letting them apply for job positions that they would otherwise be unable to apply for, due to their lack of insurance or other benefits (
In late 2013, the Federal court struck down Utah’s ban on gay marriage stating, "The state's current laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry and, in so doing, demean the dignity of these same-sex couples for no rational reason… Accordingly, the court finds that these laws are unconstitutional" ( From December 20, 2013 to January 6, 2014 gay marriage was legal in Utah and over 900 couples attained legal marriage licenses ( After January 6th, the decision was appealed and the case was moved to courts in Denver. As of now, any licenses given during that brief period are still legal. Denver courts are still in the process of ruling if the appeal will hold.
Stripping an individual of their liberty and pursuit of the American Dream is not only immoral, but it grossly construes the ideas and views our Founding Fathers had when they wrote the Constitution that defines what we are as a country, and who we should be as people. Discriminating against a certain group of individuals based on their views of love is completely inappropriate and prohibits people, state governments, and many other benefactors from receiving benefits that they have the constitutional right to receive. However, in the end legalizing same-sex marriage is simply the right thing to do.

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