Console Wars | Teen Ink

Console Wars

February 26, 2014
By AveryWells BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
AveryWells BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a war between the on-going consoles.Which one is the best for the gaming community.Now, I have come from all three, and I would definitely say that PC is the best for all three. Many people would disagree, but I think PC is the best. Best graphics, most skilled gamers, and you can do much more than just play games.The three main console are PS3, Xbox,and PC.

Xbox which is the most used console and there online gaming community uses Xbox live.There storage compartment can hold upto 320GB of RAM which is amazing because there is a ton of open space for games storage.There are over 46 Million people that use Xbox live for there gaming experience based on the Xbox Website and techspot.They have released there new product the Xbox One the latest Xbox as a single device to provide all your entertainment.The Xbox One’s Price is $100 more than the Playstation 4 in the U.S in the United Kingdom it is £299.7,and in Europe it is €363.73 . Combining voice recognition, with a Metro like interface, and Kinect; it will even remember what you've been doing on the console and bring new levels of interactivity. Then they have an arch rival and that is Playstation.

Playstation is the second most used console they run a free online experience called Playstation Network. The Playstation 3 can hold up to 320GB of RAM,same as Xbox which is pretty cool in my opinion.There is about 23 million people on Playstation Network. They just released there newest console the Playstation 4.The PlayStation 4 is currently $399 in North America, €399 in Europe, and £349 in the United Kingdom which is $100 less that the Xbox One. From the Playstation website and whatisplaystation4.There is also another free experience called Steam that runs on the PC

PC is the third most used console for gaming experience “There is no competition, anyone who owns even a mid-range PC will tell you 360,PS3 are childlike in comparison. My system now thats 2 years old will be 2X faster than the new 720p that the PS4 graphics and the Xbox One can run ”. As quoted by Andy Shake a PC gamer .The RAM (Random Access Memory) it can hold all depends on the type of space the computer has. There is about 16 million people that use steam, allows the user to purchase and immediately download games via the internet.Lets the user access games from any PC that can connect to the Steam network.Automatically keeps all of your games up-to-date with the latest available patches.

This war has been going on since the first playstation and xbox console came out.There are some people that like Xbox,some like PS3,and some like PC.Lets all hope that this war ends soon and there will be one console for us all.

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