Fishing Saves the World | Teen Ink

Fishing Saves the World

January 24, 2014
By Anonymous

Water is the key to the expansion of Earth. Why do I say that? Well Earth is slowly becoming too small for 7 billion people. The ocean covers 66% of the surface of Earth and we are barely utilizing it. Humans need to expand into the water in order to maintain this high population. If we used aquatic plants and animals as food instead of land based food there would be plenty of room for a long time.

Farming in the ocean is the key to this success. There are plenty of fish and vegetation in this mass of water and humans aren’t reaping the benefits of these tasty resources. Fish produce more than just meat, they have oils, strong bones and many other unique qualities that make them a superior animal to harvest. Also fish populations are at a decline so there is plenty of room to expand in the ocean. Mainland fish farms can be easily started as well. All you need is water and food. What do fish eat by the way? That’s right each other so if a fish farmer used leftover fish parts to feed the remaining fish stock at their farm they could easily keep turning out fish.

Fish farming can also be made into a year long harvest, all you need to do is trick fish into thinking it’s time to lay eggs and kazoo you can harvest fish whenever you want. It seems tricky but in reality it isn’t. Fish can be sorted out by size through mesh fencing, the bigger the mesh the larger the fish. So when fish are in the largest mesh you know that they are ready to be harvested. When fish spawn they swim up river to where they were born and then reproduce, well if you can simulate a freshwater river then you can get fish to swim upriver through the mesh and lay eggs. Easily sorting the fish and producing offspring all at once.

Fish are the key to not only America’s problems but the whole world’s also. Fishing is the oldest industry there is and has yet to fail so why not utilize it now when we need it most?

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