It Is Our Right To Bear Arms | Teen Ink

It Is Our Right To Bear Arms

January 23, 2014
By Anonymous

It Is Our Right To Bear Arms

The Second Amendment states, “The right of our people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” When we set other amendments in such high regards like our freedom of speech granted in the first and the right to remain silent stated in the fifth. Why should we not consider the second amendment with equal authority? All of these other amendments were written at the same time years ago, and even though times have changed we should still consider the words of the founders of our country with a lot of respect.

Although, people who want gun restrictions and laws will argue that guns do not make our world safe, that is not true. Guns save people’s lives. For example, without guns such as the flintlock pistol and musket used during the Revolutionary War us Americans would not have stood a chance against the British. We would not be here today without the proper protection and advantage guns provided us with during the Revolution.

Many people argue the Second Amendment was only relevant when our militia fought against the British, but this amendment is still relevant today. Author Holle Abee argues that “law-abiding citizens feel safe” with the “knowledge that they can offer adequate protection for themselves” and “that hunting is a part of our legacy” (Abee). Abee believes with America’s “economic foundation crumbling” that “riots and food shortages” could break out, and it will be “the well armed citizens who survive” (Abee). Without guns, what will America’s future look like?
Peter Tucci argues, that “it is about who is using the gun.” If criminals are not using the guns then citizens are using them for other purposes not just for violence. Just Facts informs us that out of a poll of 1,012 adults “67% of them own guns for protection, 66% of them practice target shooting, and 58% hunt” (Just Facts). If you were to restrict or ban guns in the United States, it would take away many citizens’ rights and freedom.
We need to protect ourselves because police can’t always be there for us. Two incidents involve an armed clerk frightening off robbers. At ”Megan’s Custom Farming in Wisconsin” robbers came into the store asking for more and more so the clerk grabbed a gun “and upon seeing that the clerk was armed the criminal fled the scene” (NRA-ILA). At a “Morning Star Mini Mart in Washington” the clerk “retrieved his revolver, and said ‘I have a bigger one than you do,’ scaring off the criminals” (NRA-ILA). If no citizens were armed they would become more vulnerable to criminals. It’s true cop cars can travel up to 85 or 90 mph, but bullets travel faster.
It does not only violate the Second Amendment, but also the Fourth Amendment, “that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures” (“Fourth Amendment”) to promote the feeling of security in the citizens. By restricting or altogether banning guns, you are violating the Second Amendment because you are infringing against the right to bear arms. Peter Tucci argues, “buy-back programs would only go so far” in banning the “over 300 million privately owned firearms in the United States” and “straight up confiscation would violate the Fourth” (Tucci 2). As a result to the violation of these amendments, “illegal guns would flood into the country” (Tucci 2). No good comes from these efforts.
Taking away or restricting guns is unconstitutional. Americans citizens agreed with our founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution, so they should still agree with them now because the Second Amendment is still relevant today. The Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms and states that right shall not be infringed. If amendments can change, why promise this right could not be changed? Vote against gun control to protect your rights as an American citizen and to protect yourself.

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This article has 1 comment.

BHirsh said...
on Jan. 28 2014 at 3:02 pm
Rudimentary, but right on the mark. It should be pointed out that the Constitution is a contract, which was only ratified by all the colonies on the condition that a specific list of proscriptions on government power were added (the Bill of Rights). The terms of this contract can only be changed by the amendment process in Article V of the constract. Hence, the original meaning of the contract endures without modification unless and untl this process is employed. The argument that what was appropriate for the 18th Century cannot be considered germane today fails on its face. Times change, but principles don't. The principles that guarantee liberty are the same today as in 1789, and will be the same in 2189. Liberty has no expiration date.