Legalizing Gay Marriage | Teen Ink

Legalizing Gay Marriage

May 31, 2013
By EpicBlair BRONZE, Bamberg, South Carolina
EpicBlair BRONZE, Bamberg, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The ones that mind don't matter and the ones that matter don't mind." - Unkown

In the progressive world society is moving to, people of the same gender should have the right to get married. Recently there has been a new kind of social movement taking over the political landscape in the United States on whether or not homosexuals should have the right to obtain a civil union. While it is clear the many benefits that would result from such an arrangement, most states are still against the prospect for conflicting reasons mostly dealing with religion and principles. As of January, 2013, only nine states support the idea of same-sex marriage. This list includes Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Washington; in addition, Rhode Island and California recognize same-sex marriage only on a conditional basis in certain jurisdictions. If the country can recognize that there should be no discrimination against race, gender, or religion – then why is it still so hard to be tolerant of the personal preference of sexuality? It is still possible for a person to believe devoutly in a religion that is against homosexuality and still support the idea of same gender marriages; it is only a consideration of spirituality to be a separate integral part of someone’s belief system than their political view. A person’s legal rights should not be infringed simply because others find their acts to be taboo and immoral.

Making it to just this point has been a controversial struggle for many people; including the current president of the United States – Barack Obama. Before his inauguration in early 2009, Obama publically made it clear that he believed marriage was only for a man and a woman. He was not alone; many other politicians shared his point of view including his later opposition during his second run for presidency – Governor Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is recorded saying during a 2012 debate in South Carolina, “I’ve always opposed gay marriage. I believe that we should provide equal rights to people regardless of their sexual orientation but I do not believe that marriage should be between two people of the same gender.” (Romney). Mitt Romney, a prime example of someone supporting legal rights even though he rejects it morally, still holds this opinion firmly but President Obama drastically changed his after going into office and therefore became the first president in history to support same-sex marriage. While on a human-rights campaign in October of 2009, Obama was quoted saying, "I support ensuring that committed gay couples have the same rights and responsibilities afforded to any married couple in this country. I believe strongly in stopping laws designed to take rights away and passing laws that extend equal rights to gay couples. I've required all agencies in the federal government to extend as many federal benefits as possible to LGBT families as the current law allows. I've called on Congress to repeal the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and to pass the Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act." (Obama)

The Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act allowed LGBT federal employees to give their unrecognized same-sex spouses and partners health insurance, life insurance, government pensions, and other employment related benefits and obligations that married heterosexual federal employees enjoyed. This was a massive step of progression for same-gender couples because they were previously denied many benefits that come along with matrimony such as visitation rights if their partner was in the hospital, to make a medical decision if their partner was incapacitated, any legal decision making if their partner was to suddenly die, the right of joint ownership, the option to claim marriage dependency when filing taxes, and so on. Keeping homosexual couples from legally obtaining a civil union is not going to stop them from being gay or being in same gender relationships, it is only denying them their basic rights as citizens of this country. A lot of same gender couples have been in long term committed relationships with only one person and after years and years of being with that person, they should have a say of would happen if something was to tragically occur to their partner.

One reason congress is hesitant about allowing legal union for homosexuals is not just because of the religious aspect behind it, but because - as they claim - it would produce a great deal of problems for the construction of family and would be chaotic in raising children. Some people strongly believe that for two same sex parents to attempt to raise children would ruin all morals for the child and cause them to be gay as well as mentally incompetent. The previous Pope, Benedict the XVI even said during his Christmas address to Vatican bureaucracy in 2012, “There is no denying the crisis that threatens the family to its foundations — especially in the Western world. When such commitment is repudiated, the key figures of human existence likewise vanish: father, mother, and child— essential elements of the experience of being human are lost.” (Olson). This is quite a melodramatic exaggeration and so a massive amount of research and surveys have been completed to see if homosexual parents do cause detriment to their children. Many of the studies, however, were very mixed over the years because of what people accused to be improper representation and deemed to be inconclusive – but the majority of studies ran have proven that children raised by heterosexual parents are equally adjusted as children of homosexual parents. Some even showed that same gender parents caused their children to be more tolerant and understanding of others, less judgmental, and more open minded to life in general.

As for the parents to cause their children to be gay – a study conducted by Walter Schumm in October of 2010 showed that only 31 percent of children raised by lesbian parents would later claim to be homosexual, only 19 percent of children raised by gay men claimed themselves to be homosexual, and the children of heterosexual parents were self-proclaimed homosexual approximately 5 percent of the time (Schumm). This statistic shocked many as to how low the proportions were and surprised many at the true effect of environmental influence on raising children. One great advantage of same sex couples becoming parents and is the necessity of adoption; the amount of children being giving away for adoption by their biological parents is vastly more than the people applying to adopt to them and raise them. To legalize gay marriage would allow same sex parents to adopt children more and get a lot of people out of foster homes that would otherwise have to stay there for years in the hopes of one day being adopted. Although there are a few other ways and options for homosexual parents to obtain children, the option of adoption will receive the most benefit.

According to a national poll ran for registered voters in 2012, 58 percent of people supported legalizing gay marriage. This a dramatic increase from the poll ran just eight years prior in 2004 with a total of 32 percent of people who supported the idea, as well as the 47 percent of people who supported legalizing it just three years before in 2009 (Langer). The evidence is clear that the country is rapidlly becoming more acceptant of the idea of a same gender union and the number of supporters continue to rise each year.

It is apparent that the negative attributes that would result from legalizing gay marriage are extremely miniscule if not nonexistent, however, the great possibilities and advantages of allowing civil unions are numerous and abundant. To continue to deny homosexuals the right of marriage simply because of their lifestyle is an act of discrimination which against the United States Constitution. It is not wrong to see that people as human beings deserve a certain amount of privileges as citizens even if it doesn’t agree with their ethics. In society; murderers can get married, rapists can get married, child molesters, and thieves can also get married. If these sins are not considered wrong enough to revoke them of their legal rights, sins that harm others physically and emotionally, then why is the sin of loving the wrong human being and wanting matrimony so corrupt? How can it hurt society to simply allow them the right of staying in a monogamous relationship with someone they care about and are committed to? Supporting gay marriage doesn’t mean people must support them being gay, it just means they understand that the country should never run on bias and prejudice. Gay marriage should be allowed in all the states as long as the United States claims discrimination to be wrong.

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