Uncle Sam Wants You to Give Up Preschool and Join the Army | Teen Ink

Uncle Sam Wants You to Give Up Preschool and Join the Army

April 29, 2013
By ASivendra27 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
ASivendra27 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Concerning the present issue, it is shameful to see how there could be such a divide between the masses. The state of defense is at a critical point; it is embarrassing really how we barely have enough troops stationed in every country on this planet. Our weapons are only worth two hundred to three hundred billion dollars, how will we keep the peace of the world with those mere toys? Next thing you know our troops will start being recalled from countries we do not really need to be in. Why all these changes when everything is fine? I see no problems with the United States budget unless you consider that the education system is barely staying afloat but who really needs education when our military is the largest in the world?

Everybody in an educated society knows that defense is the top priority of this country and all other issues can be dealt with after giving the proper time and effort, and funds, to the valiant department that protects our lives. There is no such thing as limits, no such thing as “too much”, no such thing as “what about education” when the military is concerned and the military should be the concern all of the time. It can also be agreed that education, though supposedly necessary, is not the main issue our government needs to tackle. It already takes up two percent of spending; it does not need much more and it certainly should not be bargaining our defense expenses for a few more pencils and better playgrounds. Besides, the country’s educational system seems to be getting along fine as it.

However, there still seems to be some ludicrous uproar about the issue and the “exaggerated” amount of money used to support our defense department which is most likely another ploy by the lethargic persons of this nation who enjoy complaining and causing disturbance just for the sake of doing so. In any sort, to quell the matter I have a proposition that will undoubtedly provide the best option for both feuding standpoints. With this solution I will ensure that the youth of the country are put to good use; their time will be well spent and profitable. Instead of draining the value of the country’s dollar through education expenses we can use the children and young adults to generate profits and serve the nation efficiently which are in everyone’s best interests. I propose we be rid of the educational system all together and start enlisting children into the military from age five, right around the time parents would send them to preschool.

Now I am not an absurd, monstrous human being and I would certainly never propose toddlers to fight in a war, we would never win any if that were the case. I am trying to make the public see sense when I say that the future is the military and we should enable our children to get a head-start, an advantage when we had over this country to them. Children would receive military education instead of the basic education they receive now including weapons knowledge and handling. I am surprised no one had thought of this sooner for there is nothing more natural in this world than a ten year old with an automatic rifle protecting his great nation and not wasting his fellow citizens’ money on peanut butter sandwiches in a school cafeteria.

Of course I do not present this proposition with no solid facts to support the credibility of my solution. In my own time I have contemplated and calculated the logistics and come up with the following. The country spends a modest amount on the military compared to all other expenses and we have finally come to senses and increased the funds from two hundred eighty seven billion to around five hundred billion. Defense is twenty percent of the national budget, not even a majority and yet so many are up arms about there being too much focus on the military which is not true for the same amount is roughly spent on Medicare and Medicaid. Defense budgets are said to raise again for the average in 2013 has become seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars (Plumer). Now even with billions of dollars we are still being attacked and as Americans we cannot let any threat come bruise our people or our ego and therefore the best solution is to throw more money at the problem.
Where will this money come from without raising more taxes you ask? From the Education Sector of course! Education already consumes two whole percent of the national budget, two percent more than it should consume. The system has also yielded no real results of what it promises. It is a broken system that is used as an excuse to suck the patriotic tax payer dry, a glorified day care if you will. If education is such a monumental deal why does the United States place 45th in the world in terms of spending on education and only 17th in terms of educational ranking (Katz)? The U.S. Military is number one in the world which is a direct indicator of where our talent as a country lies and what we should really invest in for we must play to our strengths and forget weaknesses. Adding the two percent to the defense budget can only resolve all our national problems and assuage our fears and anxiety of attack. Not to mention the introduction of children of all ages and race will contribute in a way we have never witnessed before, in a way no one else was daring enough the think of. Children will serve as the backbone of the military by reducing needless expense and maximizing labor and intellect creating a sort of insurance for the military. With this system there is a guarantee that the military will have personnel, albeit in the form of adolescents, who are trained and ready at any time.
I know there may be some holes in this plan; there are those who believe they have better or more logical solutions such as increasing education by cutting the defense budget in half but that is the most absurd solution I have ever heard and I will not have any of that. There is the inconvenient truth however that children may be too young to a cope with the stress of being in the military and that they are the ones we are trying to protect not the ones that should be in the defense force. While I see some validity in these claims I am certain that in today’s changing times, considering the technology and video games available to children, they will be more of an asset than ever before.
The nature of violent video games and the enhancement of technology have left our youth aptly prepared for what lies ahead of them in a military life style. Through first-shooter games and exposure to iPads and 3D TVs children are able to cope as well as expand on their abilities in the weapons and technology unit and will come into the military with background experience as well as a better ability to learn about the technology that drives the defense forces. It is quite obvious really; there is no better time than to incorporate our youth into our militia and they may even teach our troops a thing or two.
Overall, my proposal is simple and clear. First, we abolish basic education because it really is not doing much for the country. We do not need mediocre doctors and educated politicians; what good could come from them? The funds used for the Education Sector would be transferred towards defense to make room for the incoming children. Children of all ages would be incorporated into different fields and trained for many more years than the average soldier in the ultimate effort to make a better, super soldier generation for the future. I can see it now; an American future where everything and everyone is the military for what problem could come from that?

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This article has 1 comment.

1299836 said...
on May. 3 2013 at 4:05 pm
1299836, 1299836, California
0 articles 0 photos 67 comments
Nicely written! I like the sarcasm used. Education really should be taken more seriously in this country.