The Future of the GOP/2016 | Teen Ink

The Future of the GOP/2016

November 9, 2012
By griffech BRONZE, Delaware, Ohio
griffech BRONZE, Delaware, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now that we all know the results of the 2012 election, there are a few things everyone can agree about. The political ads are done for another three years, and we are all happy about that. The other thing that most everyone can agree is that there needs to be a level of bipartisanship from the Obama to the lowest known representative in order to get the job of fixing our country done.

There are things that people will disagree on, however. I, for one, am very worried about the next four years. I am almost angry about the results, but it matters not. The majority of Americans have spoken, and though it pains me to write and say, America deserves now four more years of Barack Obama. I do not think that much is actually going to be done in Washington over the next four years, though, because there is a split congress that doesn’t at this moment look like it is really going to change much in two years.

This presents an opportunity for the Republicans in 2016 to take back the white house. I have a few theories of how this could go, but below I am putting the top seven people I think will run in 2016 for the GOP nomination.

1: Paul Ryan
2: Chris Christie
3: Marco Rubio
4: Rick Santorum
5: Mike Huckabee
6: Bob Mcdonnell
7: Bobby Jindal

Note that, with the exception of Chris Christie, all of the rest of the candidates are very conservative. My guess is come the primary season of 2016, it will be one of those conservative candidates against the establishment choice of Chris Christie. I personally believe that as of this moment, Paul Ryan is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination and subsequently the presidency, despite losing the vice presidency, because he still retains his house seat and also retains his position as Chairman of the Budget Committee. He is probably right now the flagbearer of the Republican Party, and he knows that.

The reason I think that the Democrats are going to have a very difficult time for the presidency in 2016 is that the only people of name recognition they have might not run, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. With Hillary, the debacle of Libya will go strongly against her record, and I don’t honestly see her running again because of that. With Joe Biden, even if he ran, he would not win the presidency because he is a dolt. That leaves the Democrats with only a few other options, but as a whole compared to the seven Republicans mentioned above, they do not have the name recognition of any of them.

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