The Employment Game—It’s Not Fun Anymore | Teen Ink

The Employment Game—It’s Not Fun Anymore

September 9, 2012
By Alyssa Jacobson BRONZE, Los Altos, California
Alyssa Jacobson BRONZE, Los Altos, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With unemployment continuing to plague the nation, many Americans are on the difficult hunt for a well-paying job; or in some cases even just a paying job. As a nineteen year old looking for an internship, I could not even come close to expressing their feelings of disappointment and worry surrounding this subject. However, attempting to secure an internship and a job consist of parallel processes. While writing the cover letters are supposed to be the easy move, choosing the perfect buzz word that captures one’s fantastic teamwork abilities or leadership skills is only the first of many stressors. Then you are on to the waiting game. While the first response may lead to excitement and hope, it also begins the process of uncertainty. How do I craft the perfect e-mail to express my interest and thank my interviewer? Is this certain word too colloquial? Why have they not called when they said they would make a decision by early in the week? While initial interest may lead to a feeling of hope that one may finally secure a job, the next day could come with an e-mail that the position was filled. Meanwhile, hundreds of other applications will be sent into cyberspace with never a word in response. With each move on the employer’s part, one must carefully consider his next strategy. While initial interest from an employer moves a person ten spaces ahead and grants him an ice cream sundae reward, after he waits and waits and waits for the tenth company to finally respond days after he has sent a follow up e-mail, this game is no longer any fun. A person doesn’t want to play with his livelihood. Even if it is just an internship process, the process becomes grueling by the fifth rejection and back and forth e-mails. No one likes to be put effort into something only to be told after the second interview that “the position has been filled.” No one likes to spend his valuable time crafting the perfect cover letter when really the company already has an applicant in mind. However, it’s not like someone can just quit the game of life. Fortunately, for many, if they continue to strive for a job, their skills are eventually recognized and utilized. But, many are still out there playing the game and searching. To them I wish the best of luck.

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