Who is Behind the 'Arab Spring'? | Teen Ink

Who is Behind the 'Arab Spring'?

June 11, 2011
By HiImHarry BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
HiImHarry BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Originating in Tunisia in December 2010, revolts for government reformation have spread across the whole of the Middle East. Ben Ali the former leader of Tunisia, and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt have been forced out by the protesters of the so called “Arab Spring”, and their supporters around the world. These protesters have been portrayed by the media as active youth using mediums such as Facebook, and Twitter, to bring about democratic societies. However, one must ask how much freedom and democracy have these revolts actually brought to these ‘liberated’ nations?

To find the answer to this question, I believe we must look back thirty-two years into history. In 1979, a similar revolution movement rocked the Middle East and changed the world we live in today. Fighting against a dictator who once had the support of the United States (much like Hosni Mubarak), the protesters succeeded in changing the face of their government. In place of the dictator, a radical Muslim leader came to power. The nation which fought for democratic reform, faced unparalleled oppression and violations of human rights from their new leaders. This new government would become responsible for most terrorist organizations known to the world today. This nation has become the biggest enemy of The United States and democratic nations across the world. This nation is determined to obtain a nuclear bomb, and their leader has openly professed the desire to destroy their enemies. That nation that fought for democratic reform in 1979, was Iran.

Now in early 2011, the world saw revolts emerging across the Middle East. Protests began in Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, and of course, Egypt. Excluding Tunisia, Egypt has been the only nation to successfully force out their leader during the Arab Spring. Similar to the Iranian Revolution, the protesters in Egypt fought in the streets for government reform and freedom. However, the outcome has not lived to our hopeful expectations. While the world hoped for a freed people, Egypt became an suppressive military state. While many secular protesters fought against theocracy, the radical group “The Muslim Brotherhood” seems more and more likely to take power. And while these protests for freedom seemed like they could fight against terrorism, the new government has allowed terrorist groups such as “HAMAS” to build new bases and transport weapons throughout Egypt.

Tunisia has not been immune to these symptoms of failed revolution goals. Since the departure of Ben Ali, Tunisia has received an outspoken radical leader, very similar to the leader Iran received in 1979. One must ask, how revolutions like these have taken such unfortunate turns. Were these results the intentions of the protesters all along? Or are these nations so over run with terrorism and religious thugs that the revolutions were hijacked? I personally believe it is a combination of both. Most of the protesters in both Tunisia and Egypt were secular. They did not want their new governments to have an allegiance to any religion. However, revolts during the Egyptian revolution only spiked as men and women left Muslim services in local mosques every Friday. Protesters could also be seen praying, and shouting notorious terrorist slogans like “Allah Akbar (God is Great)”. Which protesters won the revolution: the radicals, or the freedom fighters?

Meanwhile, it has caught the attention of Saudi Arabia, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that there is another driving force behind the protests. It became clear, that Iran along with their terrorist proxies began to take advantage of the protests. Clinton addressed the issue by saying, “We share the view that Iran's activities in the Persian Gulf, including its efforts to advance its agenda in neighboring countries, undermines peace and stability.” Unfortunately, no immediate action, but only words came from Mrs. Clinton. Iran continues to spread its influence in countries like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. If Iran is able to control a revolution against the Saudi government (an avid enemy of Iran), then Iran would virtually own the oil industry in the Middle East. I’m sure Iran’s leaders smiled with delight, as they saw the similarities between their own revolution, and the Arab Spring.

The Arab Spring, however, continues on. The Muslim Brotherhood is showing a presence in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Some protesters in Libya stormed Muammar Qaddafi’s base and stole chemical weapons, and were sold to terrorists groups in Palestine. Much like Iran thirty-two years ago, where the US fully supported the protesters, I believe we have made a grave mistake. Unfortunately, we did not learn from history, and try to find out who exactly was protesting, before putting all of our support behind them.

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This article has 1 comment.

Zaraa said...
on Feb. 4 2014 at 1:20 pm
Protesters could also be seen praying, and shouting notorious terrorist slogans like “Allah Akbar (God is Great)”. Which protesters won the revolution: the radicals, or the freedom fighters? < Shouting notorious terrorist slogans? how is god is great a terrorist slogan? silly fool. Do your research before you start leballing stuff.