Homosexual Marriage | Teen Ink

Homosexual Marriage

January 13, 2010
By Anonymous

America is a country of freedom, yet there it is like there is war against homosexual marriage.I believe that homosexuals should have a right to marriage. I am a Christian, and I think that God would want all of his creations to be happy, not discriminated.In my view, love is love, and if people who are straight and in love can get married, why can't people who are gay and in love get married? Homosexuals are PEOPLE, just like you and me but with different sexual orientations. All people who are in love should have the right to get joined in holy matrimony. Why is it so bad? Even if homosexuality is a sin, which I don't believe, doesn't everybody sin? That's what we have been blessed with forgiveness for. Also, many times in the bible it is stated that we are all one in Jesus Christ, male or female. I think that marriage is the only you can really commit and show your love to your partner, why can't everyone have the opprotunity to commit to one another and vow to love the other forever. You have heard my views on homosexual marriage, and I hope you will consider them.

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on Feb. 1 2010 at 5:06 pm
HeyYouILoveYourSoul, Indianapolis, Indiana
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"If you rotate the 'M' in McDonalds it becomes an 'E' for EMPIRE!" -- jk

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I am a Christian too. I don't know whether or not God agrees with it, no one does, but I agree with you. We shouldn't be making laws against it. Jesus said getting a divorce was a sin, so it we make laws Homosexuals getting married, we would have to make laws against straight couples getting divorced, too.