Why is journalism being taken over by commentary? | Teen Ink

Why is journalism being taken over by commentary?

May 26, 2023
By Anonymous

There has been a rise in biased opinions in the media for the past few years. People are interested in what they like, saying things just to be on tv, or just to spread their opinions worldwide. But there’s a problem. A problem with these types of commentators. Those who use their biased opinions and unfactual news to try to change society's perspective of the media. Now with today's standards, journalism is like where people can just state anything and people will agree. People tend to listen to the opinions of these commentators because they think journalists like to favor a particular side of the political media like Democrats. Saying things like “Fake News.” Former sports players, politicians, etc. can vouch for reporting without having a profession in journalism because they’ve experienced it before. News channels have started to expand their speakers by having non-politicians state their political opinions and views, but this doesn’t always work as the public will see them as “biased journalists instead of the commentators they are.” Turner, Michelle. “Commentary vs. Journalism: Are Journalists Biased?” SchoolJournalism.org, 23 July 2017,. How can we be sure that we are getting true information? 

“Journalism plays a crucial democratic role by holding power to account and facilitating a diverse and thriving marketplace of ideas. Members of the public need to know what is happening in the world around them so that they can make well-informed decisions in their best interests when they vote, in response to crises like pandemics and climate catastrophes, and to understand society.” Fielding, Victoria. “Right-Wing Commentators Turning Journalism into Public Relations.” Independentaustralia.net, 16 Nov. 2021,independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/right-wing-commentators-turning-journalism-into-public-relations. This quote explains how we need journalism to provide the public about important things in the world, especially pandemics, and climate change. In 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, there were plenty of non-believers thinking that the virus wasn´t real. Some of these non-believers would go on tv and just state the worst unfactual things which were very insensitive. And believe it or not, a lot of people believed these commentators. This made more and more people in America misinformed. And a specific commentator does that very well.

Tucker Carlson is a commentator for fox news. “Tucker Carlson Tonight” is a talk show, much like “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” or “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” giving Carlson a platform to voice his political opinions. Fox News even categorizes transcripts from his shows under “Opinions.” Board, The Editorial. “Tucker Carlson Is a Political Commentator, Not a Reporter for Factual News.” The Ticker When you look up his name it comes up as an “American Commentator.” He states controversial opinions and doesn’t use factual text to back anything up. But yet, people still view his show, In 2020 his show had an average of 5.3 million views which made his show become the highest of any news program. “...demonstrates the slow-moving crisis facing the news media institution where the very purpose of journalism is being eroded, manipulated and, in turn, distrusted by the audiences they rely on to sustain their businesses.” independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/right-wing-commentators-turning-journalism-into-public-relations,15750 Well let's start 14 years ago in 2008, during the presidential election, there weren´t many people reporting on the crisis that was happening during the election. a financial crisis that affected the us house marketing. People were wanting the candidates, Obama and Mcain to provide information on what was going on but nothing came from either one.  “The complete failure of the media to adequately explain complex policy issues first became unavoidably clear during the presidential election of 2008 when, despite the obvious nature of our economic distress at the time, the media demanded precisely nothing of substance on the subject from McCain or Obama.” Maines, Patrick. “Opinion Journalism vs. Objective News Reporting – Media & Communications Policy.” The Media Institute, 15 Aug. 2013, 

Did this situation make people start saying their own opinion since political candidates wouldn't? Although this may have happened plenty of times after, why do people have to come out with their own information?


Secondly, let's focus on views. Everyone has different views, doesn't matter if it's politics or eating healthily. If someone sees a commentator on tv talking about eating healthier, they will take that person's side. It's like if you see a Canadian olympian swimmer on tv and you're from Canada, you're automatically going to support them. People don't want to hear opinions that they disagree with, that´s why nobody listens to journalists when it comes to their unbiased opinions. Journalism may even be dying because of these commentators. “The rise of opinion journalism, not just among cable and the newer media but elements of the legacy media as well, magnifies the problem of the dearth of objective news reporting.” “And what a loss! At the very moment that this country desperately needs an independent, credible, and objective press to describe and chronicle the country’s manifest economic problems, there’s practically nobody in the Fourth Estate who commands widespread trust and respect.” Maines, Patrick. “Opinion Journalism vs. Objective News Reporting – Media & Communications Policy.” The Media Institute, 15 Aug. 2013, So how can we keep journalism alive without the takeover of commentators? Commentators should always state that their opinions are not factual and just opinions regardless if people believe them or not, this will make sure people don't think they're a journalist stating real opinions just for them to get attacked. Schools should start teaching kids about reporting in the news and watching for unreliable sources. “I think the answer is as simple as taking the time to explain the difference between the two, then watch and read examples of both. Afterward, have a class discussion or a quick written assignment that gives students the opportunity to share what they have learned in the process.” Turner, Michelle. “Commentary vs. Journalism: Are Journalists Biased?” SchoolJournalism.org, 23 July 2017

Commentators should start being held accountable for the stuff that they say and people are always left wondering, is it true? Where did you get that information from? People are always welcome to provide opinions for other people but lying and misinforming the public is a bad way for everyone to start panicking. It is proven that people are more scared and in distress whenever fake news is spread around. We can’t stop commentators from speaking on what they like, but we have to make sure they’re speaking facts

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