I am more than my uterus | Teen Ink

I am more than my uterus

July 6, 2022
By Anonymous

Why am I, as a woman, being reduced to a vessel for childbirth?

I have felt sadness and fear, but now all I feel is anger. I am outraged that there are individuals in my life and in the government who are downplaying what overturning Roe v. Wade meant. Abortion should not be treated like it is an issue of federalism; it is an issue of equality and leaving issues of equality to the states is what plagued our country with slavery and segregation for years.

We claim to be a democratic country, but nine unelected individuals whose values and opinions were formed decades ago can decide to negatively impact or even destroy millions of lives and will not be held accountable. Nine people can make decisions for over 300 million people affecting their ability to defend themselves, live peacefully, and lead healthy, happy, and safe lives. Six out of nine of these individuals who are cemented in their beliefs just used the law and constitution to justify their moral opinions that they insist do not influence their rulings. And you know what? I will never be able to wrap my head around the morality of it all.

How in the world can people morally justify forced birth in a country like America? Forced childbirth cannot be morally justified no matter what, but America is a country without universal healthcare. The cost of giving birth can be up to, if not exceeding, $15,000. America is a country with no universal childcare, either. Childcare costs an average of $14,000 yearly. America is the only wealthy country in the world without guaranteed paid parental leave at the national level. America is a country where gun violence is reaching the status of an epidemic, being the number one cause of death among children and teenagers. America is a country where comprehensive sexual education is not a requirement in most public schools. America is a country where there are over 400,000 children in foster care who are at a significantly higher risk of being abused, neglected, and experiencing mental and physical health problems. America is a country where the process of adopting a child is long and complicated, with far more legal and financial roadblocks than most imagine.

However, all in all, it comes down to the fact that abortion access is a human right. And those who continue to be anti-abortion: you are forcing children to give birth. You are forcing rape victims to give birth. You are forcing people whose fetus will not survive to give birth. You are treating people denied medical care like they are simply casualties of your religious beliefs. You are not pro-life; you are pro-control of women, and you make me sick.

This month, I am embarrassed. I am ashamed as a Christian that there are members of my faith who think they are entitled to force their beliefs onto others. It is not about the why of it all. It is about the right to bodily autonomy that women deserve; and it pains me that even those who refuse to separate church and state cannot recognize that they claim to be for “life”, but women, children, and anyone with a uterus are dying and will continue to die because of this. I am humiliated to be living in the state of Ohio, where today, state forces told a 10-year-old girl who was raped that she must remain pregnant and should see carrying the child of her rapist as an “opportunity.”

I urge you all to do something, anything. Attend a protest. Donate to planned parenthood and other abortion-access funds. Get angry, call your representatives. In times of fear, anger, and sadness, we must not sit quietly and wait for the other shoe to drop.

Abortion is healthcare.


Sources: msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/10-year-old-girl-reportedly-forced-leave-ohio-legal-abortion-rcna36660; healthcare.gov/; plannedparenthood.org/;everytown.org/

The author's comments:

I am a high school student living in Ohio who's school does not have a newspaper.

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