Banning Bottled Water | Teen Ink

Banning Bottled Water

March 12, 2019
By 21stoverkatelynn BRONZE, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
21stoverkatelynn BRONZE, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
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You are taking your last sip from your Aquafina water bottle as you’re walking to the disposal containers. You get rid of the water bottle, but the thought of whether you’re doing more harm than good to the environment does not pop up in your mind. This is because water is a necessity, and you need it in your everyday life. Some people may argue that plastic water bottles are terrible – but those individuals are simply wrong. The thought of banning these bottles is foolish because banning bottled water removes a healthy choice, and it is a practical emergency water supply.  

One important reason as to why banning bottled water would be an irrational decision is that it would remove a healthy option from our diets. From, it simply states, “research shows that if bottled water isn’t available, 63 percent of people will choose soda or another sugared drink – not tap water.” In fact, water is the healthiest option when it comes to beverages. When people pick unhealthy drinks, they add high calories and sugars that are not needed to the everyday diet. If people do not even have a choice for bottled waters, they will pick what looks appealing to them, not what is right for them. Therefore, banning bottled waters would make people choose the unhealthier options. 

In addition to eliminating a healthy beverage in our diet, banning these bottles would also discontinue our practical emergency water supply. According to, “In Apr. 2014, officials in Flint, MI, changed the city's water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River. Flint River water is highly corrosive – it eroded water pipes delivering tap water to residents' homes resulting in iron and lead leaching into the water, poisoning those who drank and bathed in it.” If these people did not have bottled waters, they would have either been poisoned or gotten dehydrated. In dire situations like this, wouldn’t you want an accessible water supply? Banning bottled water would cause thousands of people to be in life threatening situations. Considering this, bottled water being banned would disallow citizens to have an emergency water supply. 
Although many individuals do not agree with banning bottled water, some people believe that it is not good for your health. In a study by Orb Media and the State University of New York, they found that “bottled water samples contained nearly twice as many pieces of micro-plastic per liter (10.4) than the tap water samples (4.45) with 93% of bottles showing some sign of micro-plastic contamination.” While this may have been discovered, it is obviously not life threatening to human beings. As stated before, what could be life threatening is not having an emergency water supply for dangerous situations. Without bottled waters, environmental damages could cause many human beings to lose their lives over such a simple decision – to keep bottled water. 
Restricting bottled water not only would prohibit an emergency water supply and could cause many to be in life threatening situations, but also it would make people choose the unhealthy beverages. As mentioned earlier, those who disapprove plastic bottles claim it is bad for your health, but their reasons are less crucial to modern society. As you can see, bottled water is a necessity for mankind. 

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